Specification :
Nettle P.E.
Herbal Extract
§²§å§ã: §¬§â§Ñ§á§Ú§Ó§Ñ
Lat: Urtica dioica L.
Part used: Leaf
Dry extract, silicic acid content no less than 1,5%
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A fine, dark greenish or greyish-brown powder with a characteristic odour and taste, derived from the ground, dried leaves and herbage of the perennial plant Urtica dioica L., Urticaceae famiy, using the aqueous-alcoholic extraction method followed by concentration and drying on a vacuum-spray drier. Finished product standardization is based on silicic acid content, which should be no less than 1,5%.
Active components:
The main active components are silicic acid, flavonoids (isoquercetine, rutin), bitters, vitamin §¬, coumarins, pantothenic acid, carotenoids, vitamin §³, chlorophyll sitosterol, histamine, violaxanthin, tanning agents, proteins, microelements.