Sell:CENTRIFUGES HM150IV MERK HANIL Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:CENTRIFUGES MF 80 MERK HANIL Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:GENERAL CENTRIFUGES MF50 MERK HANIL SCIENCE Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:ORBITAL SHAKER VRN 360 MERK GEMMY Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:ORBITAL SHAKER SHO   2D MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021   9600 4947, 0815 74774384  Sell:HOMOGENIZER TYPE HS 30E MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:HOMOGENIZER TYPE HG 15A MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:HOMOGENIZER TYPE HG 15D MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:RED SAFETY CABINET FOR COMBUSTIBLE MERK JUSTRITE Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE IDENTIFICATION TYPE SAM 940 Alat pendeteksi radiasi nuclear Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:RADIATION SURVEY METER TYPE 915 BNC Hub 021 9600 4947 , 0815 7477 4384  Sell:SPECTROMETER AT6102A ATOMTEX Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:NUCLEAR RADIASI MONITOR DAVIS Hub 02196004947, 081574774384  Sell:GAS ALERT EXTREME SINGLE GAS DETECTOR ( H2S, CO, O2, SO2, PH3, CI2, NH3, NO2, HCN, ETO, ClO2, O3, NO ) Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:GAS ALERT MICRO CLIP MULTIGAS MONITOR ( H2S, CO, O2, LEL ) Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY METER HI 9828 Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:PORTABLE DISTANCE LEICA DISTOβ„’ D8 Alat untuk mengukur jarak dengan InfraRed hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:SHAKER KS 501 MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:SHAKER KS 260 BASIC MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:SHAKER HS 260 BASIC MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:ROTARY EVAPORATOR MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:DIGITAL HOMOGENIZER / MIXER / DISPERSERS MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 747 4384  Sell:LABORATORY REACTOR MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:SHAKER ORBITAL KS 4000 I CONTROL MERK IKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:AUTOCLAVE MERK HIRAYAMA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:LAMINAR AIR FLOW MERK TELSTAR Hub 0219600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OVEN UNB 400 ( NAUTRAL AIR CIRCULATIONS / CONVENTIONS / BASIC ( 53 L ) MERK MEMMERT Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:ANALYTICAL BALANCE MERK KERN Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:DR 2800 PORTABLE SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH LITHIUM   ION BATTERY MERK HACH Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:BINOCULAR MICROSCOPE MERK OPTIKA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:DRB200: DIGITAL REACTOR BLOCK : 15 x 16 mm VIALS WELLS, 115 Vac MERK HACH Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:BENCHTOP MULTIPARAMETER sensION+ pH, ISE, EC lab kit GLP with MM374 dual channel multi meter, 5014, 5070 Electrodes, Stirrer, Accessories Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:CLIMATIC TEST CHAMBER MODEL CTC 256 MERK MEMMERT Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:BLUE POLYETHYLENE STORAGE SAFETY CABINET MERK JUSTRITE Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MIKRO 200 CENTRIFUGE MERK HETTICH Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:AUTOCLAVE MERK ALL AMERICAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:2 STAR   3 STAR   4 STAR   5 STAR PORTABLE pH/ ORP/ ISE/ CONDUCTIVITY/ DO MULTIMETER MERK THERMO ORION Hub 021 9600 4947 0815 7477 4384  Sell:HUMIDITY CHAMBER Type HCP 108, HCP 153, HCP 246 MERK MEMMERT HUb : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:GAS ALERT MAX XT II BW TECHNOLOGIES Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OVERHEAD STIRERRS TYPE EUROSTAR DIGITAL MERK IKA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 74477 4384  Sell:ANALITYCAL BALANCE MERK ADAM Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:DRB200 DIGITAL REACTOR BLOCK ; 30 X 16 mm Via Wells, 239 Vac MERK HACH Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY METERS MERK HORIBA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:CONSTANT CLIMATE CHAMBER MERK DAIKI SCIENCE Hub : 021 9600, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY METER MERK : DKK   TOA CORPORATION Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY METER MERK : DKK   TOA CORPORATION Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OCMA 300 OIL CONTENT ANALYZER MERK HORIBA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OCMA 310 OIL CONTENT ANALYZER MERK HORIBA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OCMA 350 OIL CONTENT ANALYZER MERK HORIBA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OVERHEAD STIRRERS RW   16 BASIC MERK IKA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:UNIVERSAL OVEN UFE 400 MERK MEMMERT Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:WATER QUALITY METER MULTI   FUNCTION TYPE MM   60R MERK DKK   TOA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:WATER TEST KIT LABORATORY SMART MERK LAMOTTE Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:WATER DISTILLERS Type 2004 MERK GFL Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:TURBIDITY MERK LAMOTTE Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:pH METER MERK LAMOTTE Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:OVEN MERK GEMMY Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:INCUBATOR MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:INCUBATOR MERK EYELA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:PURIFIER HORIZONTAL CLEAN BENCH 4 FEET MERK LABCONCO   USA Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:PROTECTOR PREMIER LABORATORY FOOD 5 FEET MERK LABCONCO   USA Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:LOW INCUBATOR INCUBATOR MERK DAIHAN Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:DEHUMIDIFIER PORTABLE MERK TATUNG Alat untuk menyerap / menurunkan kelembaban udaran dalam ruangan Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:CONSTANT CLIMATE CHAMBER MERK BINDER Hub : 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384  Sell:MS300/ 400 HOT PLATE MAGNETIC STIRRER Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384 
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MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY METER HI 9828 Hub 021 9600 4947, 0815 7477 4384[Feb. 5, 2012 11:51:51]
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OriginUnited States
The HI 9828 Multiparameter Portable Meter is a comprehensive analytical instrument, capable of measuring up to 13 critical water quality parameters ( 6 measured and 7 calculated) , including pH, EC/ TDS, ORP, DO, atmospheric pressure, and temperature. Some of the most advanced capabilities available are incorporated into this portable meter. Designed for intuitive operation, the menu-driven navigation is user-friendly and logical. A backlit 128 x 64 pixels graphic LCD, that automatically sizes the digits, allows full configuration of each measured parameter, displays on-screen graphing and has options for units and language selections, provides high-quality resolution and sophistication that is unsurpassed in its class.

Engineered with smart features such as auto recognition of pH/ ORP probe, auto-ranging adjustments for EC/ TDS readings, and measurement check - to eliminate erroneous readings - and more, our design actually simplifies operations and handling. There is virtually no learning curve to getting into this meter and quickly mastering it' s capabilities. Each parameter is fully supported by the on-screen contextual HELP function, which is active during measurement and calibration modes. For field applications, Hanna' s Quick Calibration allows the user to standardize pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen, all with one solution! While in calibration mode, the meter will also assess and verify probe functionality. For monitoring and recording data, HI 9828 can be equipped with the optional T.I.S. - Tag Identification System: iButton© s with unique ID numbers. Installed at any sampling site, these tags will record and match specific location information with logging data. Comprehensive GLP features, such as last calibration date and status information, calibration time-out, and date and time tags associated with sample measurements, ensure consistency and accountability. The LOGGER function memorizes data from each connected sensors and log-on-demand & automatic logging can record up to 60, 000 data samples. All data is downloadable to a PC via USB connectivity.

HI 9828 is designed for demanding outdoor environments. The meter is impact resistant and waterproof to IP67 standards ( 30 minutes immersion under 1 m of water) , and the multi-sensor probe, HI 769828, with an IP68 rating, can be left underwater for an extended period of time. This intelligent probe contains a built-in microprocessor with amplifiers, interprets the high impedance signals from each sensor and sends the converted data to the meter. Consequently, common tolerance issues associated with high impedance signals, such as limiting cable length, and noise interferences are eliminated. The probe maintains reliable communication with the meter, and the user is warned of any problems, such as a broken cable line.

Five out of six measured parameters are housed in the probe: pH/ pH mV, ORP, EC, % saturation and mg/ L ( ppm) oxygen and temperature. Each sensor is independently replaceable, and easy to maintain & clean. The sensors are protected by a rugged outer PVC/ stainless steel sleeve, the design of which is suited for use in 2" wells. The intact probe housing is rated to IP68. Standard cable lengths are 4, 10 and 20 meters and custom lengths are available upon request. The galvanic DO sensor has a built-in thermistor to provide fast temperature corrected readings. Of course, there is no polarization time for this sensor, so it is ready for measurement at a moment' s notice. For EC, a 4-ring conductivity system ensures stable readings that are immune to polarization and the buffering effect of surface coating. Absolute conductivity, temperature corrected conductivity, salinity, specific gravity and TDS determinations are possible with measurements from this sensor. The meter automatically recognizes the presence of either the pH or pH/ ORP sensor. Both sensors have a cloth junction which allows greater sensitivity, and are gel-filled for improved resistance to contamination. The meter also displays pH/ mV readings, ideal for trouble-shooting. It accepts both alkaline and rechargeable batteries and can be recharged in the field via the 12V car accessory outlet adapter, included.

Specifikasi :
Range pH 0.00 to 14.00 pH
Resolution pH 0.01 pH
Accuracy pH ± 0.02 pH
Range mV ± 600.0 mV
Resolution mV 0.1 mV
Accuracy mV ± 0.5 mV
Range mV ± 2000.0 mV
Resolution mV 0.1 mV
Accuracy mV ± 1.0 mV
Range DO 0.0 to 500.0% ; 0.00 to 50.00 mg/ L
Resolution DO 0.1% / 0.01 mg/ L
Accuracy DO 0.0 to 300.0% : ± 1.5% of reading or ± 1.0% whichever is greater; 300.0 to 500.0% : ± 3% of reading; 0.00 to 30.00 mg/ L: ± 1.5% of reading or 0.10 mg/ L whichever is greater; 30.00 mg/ L to 50.00 mg/ L: ± 3% of reading
Range EC 0.000 to 200.000 mS/ cm ( actual EC up to 400 mS/ cm)
Resolution EC Manual: 1 ¼ S/ cm; 0.001 mS/ cm; 0.01 mS/ cm; 0.1 mS/ cm; 1 mS/ cm Automatic: 1 ¼ S/ cm from 0 to 9999 ¼ S/ cm; 0.01 mS/ cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/ cm ; 0.1 mS/ cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/ cm Automatic mS/ cm: 0.001 mS/ cm from 0.000 to 9.999 mS/ cm; 0.01 mS/ cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/ cm; 0.1 mS/ cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/ cm
Accuracy EC ± 1% of reading or ± 1 ¼ S/ cm whichever is greater
Range Resistivity 0 to 999999 © • cm; 0 to 1000.0 k© • cm; 0 to 1.0000 M© • cm
Resolution Resistivity Dependent on resistivity reading
Range TDS 0 to 400000 mg/ L or ppm ( the maximum value depends on the TDS factor)
Resolution TDS Manual: 1 mg/ L ( ppm) ; 0.001 g/ L ( ppt) ; 0.01g/ L ( ppt) ; 0.1 g/ L ( ppt) ; 1 g/ L ( ppt) Auto-range scales: 1 mg/ L ( ppm) from 0 to 9999 mg/ L ( ppm) ; 0.01 g/ L ( ppt) from 10.00 to 99.99 g/ L ( ppt) ; 0.1 g/ L ( ppt) from 100.0 to 400.0 g/ L ( ppt) Auto-range g/ L ( ppt) scales: 0.001 g/ L ( ppt) from 0.000 to 9.999 g/ L ( ppt) ; 0.01 g/ L ( ppt) from 10.00 to 99.99 g/ L ( ppt) ; 0.1 g/ L ( ppt) from 100.0 to 400.0 g/ L ( ppt)
Accuracy TDS ± 1% of reading or ± 1 mg/ L
Range Salinity 0.00 to 70.00 PSU ( extended Practical Salinity Scale)
Resolution Salinity 0.01 PSU
Accuracy Salinity ± 2% of reading or 0.01 PSU whichever is greater
Range Seawater Specific Gravity 0.0 to 50.0 Ã t, Ã 0, Ã 15
Resolution Seawater Specific Gravity 0.1 Ã t, Ã 0, Ã 15
Accuracy Seawater Specific Gravity ± 1 Ã t, Ã 0, Ã 15
Range Atm. Pressure 450 to 850 mmHg; 17.72 to 33.46 inHg; 600.0 to 1133.2 mbar; 8.702 to 16.436 psi; 0.5921 to 1.1184 atm; 60.00 to 113.32 kPa
Resolution Atm. Pressure 0.1 mmHg; 0.01 inHg; 0.1 mbar; 0.001 psi; 0.0001 atm; 0.01 kPa
Accuracy Atm. Pressure ± 3 mmHg within ± 15° C from the temperature during calibration
Range Temperature -5.00 to 55.00° C; 23.00 to 131.00° F; 268.15 to 328.15K
Resolution Temperature 0.01° C; 0.01° F; 0.01K
Accuracy Temperature ± 0.15° C; ± 0.27° F; ± 0.15K
Calibration pH Automatic 1, 2, or 3 points with 5 memorized standard buffers ( pH 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01) or 1 custom buffer
Calibration mV Automatic at 1 custom point
Calibration Conductivity, Salinity Automatic 1 point with 6 memorized standards ( 84 ¼ S/ cm, 1413 ¼ S/ cm, 5.00 mS/ cm, 12.88 mS/ cm, 80.0 mS/ cm, 111.8 mS/ cm) or custom point
Calibration DO Automatic 1 or 2 points at 0, 100% or 1 custom point
Calibration Resistivity, TDS Based on conductivity or salinity calibration
Calibration Atm. Pressure Automatic at 1 custom point
Calibration Temperature Automatic at 1 custom point
Temperature Compensation Automatic from -5 to 55° C ( 23 to 131° F)
Logging Memory Up to 60000 samples with 13 measurements each
Logging Interval 1 second to 3 hours
PC Connection USB ( with HI 92000 software)
Waterproof Protection Meter IP67, Probe IP68
Environment 0 to 50° C ( 32 to 122° F) ; RH 100%
Power Supply ( 4) 1.5V alkaline C cells ( approx. 150 hours of continuous use without backlight) / ( 4) 1.2V rechargeable C cells ( approx. 70 hours of continuous use without backlight)
Dimensions Meter: 221 x 115 x 55 mm ( 8.7 x 4.5 x 2.2” ) ; Probe: 270 x 46 mm DIA ( 10.6 x 1.8” DIA)
Weight Meter: 750g ( 26.5 oz.) ; Probe: 750g ( 26.5 oz.)
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