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Name:Mr. Rika Miyanti [Director/CEO/General Manager]
E-mail:Send Message
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Rika Miyanti at Yogyakarta
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Rika Miyanti at Yogyakarta
Address:Gedung Yayasan Suara Bhakti Jl. Damai Mudal RT 01/19 Sariharjo Ngaglik Sleman
Yogyakarta 55581, Yogyakarta
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jun. 29, 2007
Business Nature:Trade, Service, Organizations of Business Services category

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Company Brief

PÃ © Mad is an Indonesian translation company based in Jogjakarta working under an Indonesian NGO called Yayasan Suara Bhakti ( YSB) or â € ˜ Voice of Dedication Foundationâ € ™ .
Our translators are language graduates with a range of technical backgrounds and at least three yearsâ € ™ experience. We have expert support from native freelancers and we also utilize Translation Memory tools.
We have clients all over the world and we have handled every kind and size of document imaginable during these eight years. We specialize in Bahasa Indonesia, English, Malay, Arabic, Japanese and Tetum.
For more details about us, please take a look at http: / / www.pemad.or.id.
If you want to discuss the possibility of cooperation in more detail, please feel free to get in touch
Some of our clients
Catholic Relief Services ( CRS) , Dili, TIMOR-LESTE; The Japanese Embassy, Jakarta, INDONESIA; ACDI VOCA, Makassar, INDONESIA; US Agency for International Development ( USAID) , Jakarta, INDONESIA; CCDC Hasanudin University, Makassar, INDONESIA; OXFAM Great Britain, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; Atmajaya University, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; Voluntary Service Overseas ( VSO) , Jakarta, INDONESIA; United Nation Development Program ( UNDP) , TIMOR LESTE; GTZ-Urban Quality, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; Cafod, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; World Health Organization ( WHO) , Jakarta, INDONESIA; Masyarakat Penangulangan Bencana Indonesia ( MPBI) , Jakarta, INDONESIA; International Relief and Development ( IRD) , Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; Crestec ( Thailand) Co., Ltd, THAILAND; Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; JSU Language School, SINGAPORE; EUROLOGOS-Madrid, Madrid, SPAIN; Bethesda Private Hospital, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; EuroNet Language Services, Inc., US; Hyatt Regency, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; F.A.X. Translation b.v., NETHERLAND; Studio Audio Visual PUSKAT, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA; FIRST INTERLINGUA ( 1994) , SINGAPORE; Kanisius Publisher, Yogyakarta, INDONESIA
Internews East Timor, TIMOR-LESTE; The Indonesian Bank, Jakarta, INDONESIA
Kem Chicks World International, Jakarta, INDONESIA; Logrus, RUSSIA; M & A Law Corporation, SINGAPORE; Maruboshi Co.Ltd, JAPAN; PT Kiani Kertas, Berau, INDONESIA; May Department Stores International, Inc., Kowloon, HONGKONG; Mendez Korea Co., KOREA; Merit 5 Co. Ltd. Tokyo, JAPAN; Multi Language Web, AUSTRALIA; Netwire Consulting, BRAZIL; Networds, HONGKONG; New Lingo, NEW ZEALAND; Nikko Graphic Arts, BELGIUM; OTRACO International, Pty, Ltd, Perth, AUSTRALIA; Pacific Electronics Corporation, Illinois, US; Sachs Southeast Asia, Pte, Ltd, Singapore, SINGAPORE; Salika, Ltd, Tokyo, JAPAN; Shine Inter Communications co, KOREA; Wong White & Jones Consultants, HONG KONG; PT Freeport Indonesia, Tembagapura, INDONESIA; PT Good Year Indonesia, INDONESIA; PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara, Sumbawa, INDONESIA

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