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UD Trisukses
UD Trisukses
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    Produksi Plastik,  Grosir Plastik ,  Supplier Plastik,  Produksi Polibag bibit,  Produksi Polybag bibit,   Grosir Polybag bibit,  Supplier Polibag bibit,  Plastik,  Plastic, Talirafia,  HD,  PP,  PE,  Polybag bibit,  Polibag bibit,  Plastik HD,  Plastik PE,  Plastik PP,  P

    Produksi Plastik, Grosir Plastik , Supplier Plastik, Produksi Polibag bibit, Produksi Polybag bibit, Grosir Polybag bibit, Supplier Polibag bibit, Plastik, Plastic, Talirafia, HD, PP, PE, Polybag bibit, Polibag bibit, Plastik HD, Plastik PE, Plastik PP, P

    Quantity Order:
    Payment Method:
    Telegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order, L/C
    Pack. & Delivery:
    Products of Our Company:
    Polybag bibit/Polibag bibit, Stretchfilm, Aluminium foil, HD Plastic, PP Plastic, PE Plastic, Plastik Roll, Talirafia, Packaging Tape / Packing Tape (Lak Ban) Coklat/Bening , Masking Tape(Isolasi Kertas), Double Tape, Cloth/Linen Tape (Isolasi Jilid), Ban Plat, Strapping Band, PVC Shrink, PE Shrink, Pallet, Plastik Sampah, Plastik Gula/Roll/Cor Bangunan (PP/PE), Kantong Plastik (Kresek), Glangsing, Tali Rafia, Tali Nylon, Tali Tampar, Terpal (A3,A2,dst), Plastik Opp lem (Plastik cd/dvd), Plastik Klip (acar/lombok/obat), Mesin Las, Mesin Strapping Band, Mesin Banplat, Mesin PVC Shrink, Mesin PE Shrink;

    Brand :
    Plastic's Brand : Gajah, Tawon, Rajawali, Djarum, Bless, Klip Plastik, Matahari, Naga, GoldFox, Daimaru, Eka tape, SKS, Uchiwa, Sekisui, Fuku.

    Sablon / Printing Mesin / Manual min 50.000 pcs / lembar / biji.

    Percetakan dus min 10.000 pcs

    Packing : Bulk

    Promo :
    Item Ukuran (asli) Harga (Rp.) Min Qty Packing
    Polybag hitam bibit 6cm-30cm 13.700/kg ( CALL ) 500kg bal
    Tali rafia Rp. 10.500,-/kg
    Stretchfilm 13cmx300m 18.000/rol 5 dos -
    Stretchfilm 50cmx170m 35.000/rol 5 dos 1dos=6rol
    Stretchfilm 50cmx200m 40.000/rol 5 dos 1dos=6rol
    Stretchfilm 50cmx250m 51.000/rol 5 dos 1dos=6rol
    Stretchfilm 50cmx300m 60.500/rol 5 dos 1dos=6rol
    Aluminium Foil Atap (Heat Repellant) 1mmx1mx100 3800/m 5 rol 1rol=100m
    Polycell (Plastik Gelembung2) 125cmx50m 125.000/rol 10 rol -

    Merk Lain email.

    Contact Person :
    Taufan Nugroharjo (+62-31-70606170 / 081-23287767)

    price and info please email : trisukses888@yahoo.com
    website : www.trisukses.com

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