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PT KEMENANGAN was established in 1954 in Jakarta, as a national trading company specializing in the marine related products and equipments. Since then the company has grown and occupies 20,000 square metres workshop with complete production facilities in Cileungsi, a suburb of Jakarta.

Introduction to KEMAN Rubber Fender
In the following description we define fender as rubber fender, a material made of rubber that function to lessen shock or damage to the wharf of the boat/ship.

A good fender has the high capability to store and absorb energy, as nature of such fender is viscous. Outside pressures to the fender generally can cause the rubber fender strained. However, in the case of high quality fender, because of its viscosity the possibility of being strained will be delayed.

Design of our fender is directed to the ability of energy absorption and against high impact of collision, as the fender has the reaction in the relatively low and it is designed with a careful thought on the type, weight, speed and the mooring angle of the boat ship.

With the sufficient support of Research & Development and based on JIS, ASTM and ISO Standard, also of the machinery and complete equipments, PT KEMENANGAN develops marine fenders, which have the quality, economic, durable and can be utilized in general application. To name but few, the type of fender we produce are following :

* KVF Fender (V Fender)
* KAF Fender (A Fender)
* KCEF Fender (Cell Fender)
* KCF Fender (Cylindrical/Hollow Fender)
* KDF & KRCF Fender (D & RC Fender)
* KWF & K8F (W & 8 Fender)
* KSF Fender (Square Fender)
* KTF Fender (Tug Boat Fender)
* Rubber Ladder

Other Products
Expansion Joint for Pipe, Expansion Joint for Bridge/Building, Bearing Pad, Warehouse Bumper, Speed Bump, Corner Protector, Engine Mounting, Anti Vibration Mounting, Tug Boat, Oil-field Products, Rubber Mat, etc.

In this brochure you can find some information needed in selection fender, in order that your choice is the best one to have a fender that is efficacious, and able to stand exposure to the weather and sea environment. Further, it is easy to be installed.