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Worship at the Association' s ruling prohibited unless there is a theorem or Shari' a from the Qur' an and As Sunnah that mensyariatkannya.

Most of the Muslims ( especially those who say modern groups) still think that in running a charity of Worship, they are doing a lot of research in order to better know and understand this muliya Religion, in ways that are not recognized by Islam.

Most of those who use the method of philosophy as a path, and Referral of Westerners in taking science, and philosopher-philosopher, Christian Newspapers ( * Even a Hindu musibahnya also be a reference in understanding Islam) Naudzubillahi mindzalika.
( Note * if needed we will bring evidence about the person' s error)
How do we set about a Shari' a Worship, and how accepted a religious requirement and signs, as prescribed by Kitabullah was a saheeh Sunnah.

Verily this religion that has perfect muliya

Allah the Exalted says: " This day have I perfected for you your religion and have perfected My favor to you and I am pleased with Islam as your religion. " ( Al anymore: 3)

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam as a messenger of Allah to this Ummah has fulfilled the mandate and convey the message of God perfectly. So he sallallaahu alaihi wasallam did not die but he has to explain to his people all of what they need.

Imam Bukhari narrated in his Saheeh from Hudhayfah quoted ' anhu, who said: " Really the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam berkhutbah in front of us with a sermon that he did not leave the slightest things that will last till the Day of Judgement unless he mentioned his knowledge .... "
( Sahih Bukhari 6604 numbers) .

Abu Dhar RadhiAllahu anhu then said:

Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam said: " It is not left behind something that can get closer to heaven and away from Hell unless already explained to you. " ( Narrated by Thabrani in Mu' jamul Kabir, see the works of Shaikh Al Albani Saheehah may Allaah have mercy 4 / 416 and this hadith supporters of the acts of another) .

With the perfection that is owned, Islamic law no longer requires the addition, subtraction, or change, or more of these things simpelnya termed heresy in the religion that has been severely warned by the Prophet alaihi wasallam in his words:

" Surely the best words are the words of Allah and the best teaching is the teaching of the Prophet. And in fact the case is as bad-ugly-invent something that diada ( in religion) , because actually nothing new to invent diada ( in religion) is heresy and every heresy is error. " ( Narrated by Muslim. 867)
hadith ' Irbadh bin Sariyah, this hadith there is also in an-al-Arbain Nawawiyah no. 28:

Translation: " He said al-' Irbadh bin Sariyah quoted ' anhu: ' One day the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam never prayed with us, then he is facing us and to give advice to us with advice that makes tears and trembling heart, then someone says: ' O Messenger of Allah, this advice is as if the advice from people who would be separated, then we will give. "

Then the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said: " I wasiatkan tell you to stay devoted to God, stay heard and obeyed, even though the rule you are a slave Habasiyyah. Indeed, people who still live among you after me and he will see a lot of disagreement, then the obligatory upon you to hold fast to the sunnah Rashidun Sunnahku and who receive guidance. Gigitlah gerahammu him with teeth. And stay away by your new matters, because in fact every new case that is heresy. And every heresy is a heretic. ' " [ HR. Nisaa' i and At-Tirmi-dzi, he said: hadith hasan saheeh) ]

Know, O my brother real essence of religion consists of two things, namely there is no worship except Allah, and should not worship Allah except with the shari' ah is appointed. So who makes the way of worship of his own ideas, whoever, then the worship was false and was rejected .. Because only God is entitled to determine for taqarrub worship Him.

Therefore, how to use the correct scientific principles are as we are told by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Alamah amazing in his book, al-Muwaqqi' in I' lam ( I/ 344) :

" And have been advised that there was nothing unlawful but something forbidden by Allaah and His Apostle, and no sin but what is stated sins by God and His Apostle to those who do it. As nothing is compulsory except, what God required, and there' s nothing unlawful but forbidden by God, and no religion except that it has disyari' atkan God.

So long as the law of worship is vanity until there is an ordering theorem. Origin in the contract was legal and muamalah is saheeh [ 1] until there are propositions which prohibits. The second difference is that God is not worshiped except with what has been disyariatkanNya through oral apostles. Because worship is a right of Allah over His servants and slaves who He is most entitled to the right of determining, pleased and mensyari' atkannya "

Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah have mercy in Al-Nuraniyyah Qawa' id An Al-Fiqhiyyah ( p. 112) says, " By looking shari' ah, then we will know that the acts of worship that God required or preferred, then the placement is only through syari ' at "

In Majmu al-Fataawa ( XXXI/ 35) , he said, " All worship, obedience and taqarrub is based on evidence derived from God and His Apostle, and may not be one that makes something as worship to God or taqarrub kecuai with the proposition syar' i " .

So that guides generation Salafus Salih, good friends, or Tabi' in, may Allah be pleased with them.
Basically we should not practice or deeds prescribed unless there is proof from the Qur' an and Sunnah that mensyariatkannya. He who prescribed a worship without argument then he has to make the case bid' ah ( new matters which did not exist for example) .

This is as a rule which has been mentioned in al quran
Allaah says " Do they have an ally who prescribed for them religion is not permitted by God ( Surat Ash-Consultative ( 42) : 21)
And hadiths Rasulullah shollallohu ' alaihi wa sallam' Man ' amila' practice laisa ' alaihi amrunaa fahuwa roddun ( Muslim) , whoever does not have charitable deeds of our example, the charitable act was rejected ( Narrated by Muslim) .

Definition of Worship:
Worship etymologically means humility and submission. Inside syara ' , the ritual has many definitions, but one meaning and intention. That definition, among others.

Worship is obedience to God by carrying out his commands through the oral His apostles.
Worship is demeaning to Allaah is subject to the highest levels accompanied by a sense of Mahabbah ( kecin-tion) is the most high.

Worship is a term that covers all of what is loved and blessed Allah Subhanahu wa Ta' ala, either in the form of words or deeds, which Zahir and the interior. This is the most complete definition of worship.

Worship is to be divided into the heart of worship, verbal and limbs. Pain khauf ( fear) , the king ' ( hope) , Mahabbah ( love) , resignation ( reliance) , raghbah ( happy) and rahbah ( fear) is worship qalbiyah ( associated with the heart) . While the prayer, zakat, hajj and jihad is worship badaniyah qalbiyah ( physical and liver) . And many more kinds of worship associated with the liver, oral and body.

Worship that is the purpose of human creation. Allaah says:

" Which means: And I have not created the jinn and humans but that they may worship Me. I do not want a bit of their sustenance and I do not want so they gave me no food. Allah, He is Oft sustenance Who Has Power, Very Sturdy. " [ Adz-Dazariyat: 56-58]

Worship is tauqifi [ The point is that worship is determined by the Almighty and His Messenger. Reasonable mind has no say in stipulating] and should be sourced from musyarri ' ( The right to establish shari' ah) that Allah Almighty as His Word:

A' 3* BE CE' # E1* HEF * ' ( E9C HD' * 7: H' [ GH/ : 112]

" So you keep on the right path, as commanded thee, and ( also) those who have repented with you and do not transgress limits. " ( Hud: 112)

+ E , 9DF' C 9DI 41J9) EF ' D# E1 A' * ( 9G' HD' * * ( 9 # GH' ! ' D0JF D' J9DEHF [ ' D, ' + J) : 18]

" Then We made you think you are on top of a Shari' a ( laws) of religion affairs, so follow the Shari' a it and do not follow the whims lust persons who do not know " . ( Al-Jatsiyah: 18)

Allah says about His Prophet:
% F # * ( 9 % D' E' JH-I % DJ
[ ' D# -B' A: 9]
" I do nothing but follow what is revealed to me. " ( Al Ahqaaf 9)

Terms of Worship Charity Receipt

Know, all the deeds of worship which can be regarded as acceptable if it meets two conditions, namely Ikhlash and mutaba' ah ( follow the guidance of the Prophet shollallohu Allaah be upon him) .

Both these conditions are summarized in the word of Allah, " ... Whoever expects the encounter with his Lord, then he shall do deeds that he must not ascribe Salih and one in the worship of his Lord. " ( Al-Kahf: 110) . Salih charitable intention is to practice their religion in accordance with the procedure that has been taught by the Prophet, and not associate in worship worship mengikhlashkan meant only for Allah.

# Worship must be done in a state-hearted because of Allah, the holy from the influence kesyirikan.

AEF C' F J1, H DB' ! 1( G ADJ9ED 9ED' 5' D-' HD' J41C ( 9( ' / ) 1( G # -/ ' [ ' DCGA: 110]

" Say: Behold, I am just a human like you, who revealed to me: " Behold Tuhnamu is one true God. " Anyone expecting an encounter with the Lord then let him work righteous deeds, and let him not ascribe to one in worship. " ( Al-Kahf: 110)

If mixed with something kesyirikan worship, then worship will not be worth it.

Word of Allah, the Exalted:
" If they ascribe Allah will disappear from their deeds they have done " ( Al-An' am: 88)

" And verily revealed to you and to the prophets before you: " If you memperse-curse of God, He will wipe your deeds and you would have been among the losers. Because of that, then let you worship Allah alone and let you include people who are grateful. " ( Az-Zumar: 65-66)

# In the worship should be taken as a role model and source is the Messenger of Allah sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam:

DB/ C' F DCE AJ 13HD ' DDG # 3H) -3F)
[ ' D# -2' ( : 21]

" Verily, Allah has been present in the models that are good for you " . ( Al Ahzab 21)

HE' " * ' CE ' D13HD A.0HG HE' FG' CE 9FG A' F* GH'
[ ' D-41: 7]

" What the apostle is given to you then accept and what he forbids you will leave behind is " . ( Al-Hasyr: 7)
Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said:

 » EF 9ED 9ED' DJ3 9DJG # E1F' AGH 1/  « [ 1H' G E3DE]

" Who is carrying out a practice of not including the affairs ( of religion) , we then he rejected " ( Reported by Muslim)
 » EF # -/ + AJ # E1F' G0' E' DJ3 EFG AGH 1/  « [ E* AB 9DJG]
" Who' s making it up in the case of ( religion) we are not included in it so he rejected " . ( Muttafaq alaih)

 » 5DH' CE' 1# J* EHFJ # 5DJ «
[ E* AB 9DJG]
" Shalatlah you as you see me pray " ( Muttafaq alaih)

 » .0H' 9FJ EF' 3CCE «
[ 1H' G E3DE]
" Take it from me you manasik ( pilgrimage) you " ( narrated by Muslim)
And other narrations.

Know, worship is not the product of human mind or feelings. Worship is something that Allah blessed, and you will not know what Allah blessed except after Allah Messenger shollallohu proclaim or explain ' alaihi wa sallam. And all the goodness has taught Messenger shollallohu ' alaihi wa sallam, did not left the slightest.

Not in the dictionary of worship someone implement something because they think it' s good, but Messenger shollallohu ' alaihi wa sallam never gave an example. Ensure that when asked, " Why are you doing this? " And he replied, " Is not this something good? Why do you forbid me from doing good? "

My brother, not a reason and you feel that a judge a good or bad. Do you feel more than piety and Salih Messenger shollallohu ' alaihi wa sallam and his companions? Remember the word Messenger shollallohu ' alaihi wa sallam, " whoever does one practice ( worship) is not essentially from us so he rejected. " ( Narrated by Muslim)

Consider the following story:

# Never came three Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam shahabat to house his wives in order to inquire about his worship. When notified to them, they consider it small and they say: " What is our position Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam than he has forgiven his sins past and the latter. " Said one of them: " I would pray all night without sleep forever. " The second said: " I will fast throughout the year and will not break the fast. " The latter said: " I' ll stay away from women so I will not marry forever. "

Then came the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam and their words conveyed to him, then he said: " Are you who
said such and such? ! Know! By Allah, I am most afraid of God than you and most obedient to Him, but I' m fast and I break the fast, I pray and I sleep, and I also marry women. Anyone who hates ( turn) toward sunnahku then it is not from golonganku ( the people who run sunnahku) . " ( Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)

If we see the existence of three people, then we get their good intentions are to make earnest prayer to God, but whether the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam approve their actions? The answer is we can see from the statement he sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam above.

Very true what was said by shahabat Prophet, ' Abdullah ibn Mas' ud quoted anhu: " Simple in the Sunnah is better than serious in heresy. "

People who hold heretical that although his intentions remain good arguments rejected by the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wasallam: " Who would invent something in the affairs practice ( religious) with which we are not part of this religion, the practice was rejected. " ( Narrated in Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim both)

To the second story:

Musayyab quoted from Sa' id ibn ' anhu, that he saw someone doing more than two cycles after dawn prayers. Then he forbade it. Then the person said, " O Abu Muhammad ( nickname Sa' id bin Musayyab) , whether God will punish me for prayer? " He replied: " No, but God will punish you for violating the Sunnah " ( Al-Bayhaqi in Sunan Al-Kubra II/ 466, Khatib al-Baghdadi in al-Faqih wal Mutafaqqih I/ 147, Abdurrazzaq III/ 52, Ad-Darimi I/ 116 and Ibn Nasr: 84 with isnaad Saheeh.)

To the third story

Sufyan ibn Uyainah said, " I heard that someone came to Malik ibn Anas quoted ' anhu and said, " O Abu Abdullah ( a nickname Malik) , from which I ihram? " He said, " From Dzulhulaifah, where the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam ihram " He said, " I want ihram from the mosque next to the tomb of ( the Prophet sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam) , " he said, " Do not you have done. Because I worry about you falling slander " , he said, " Defamation whether in this case? Because I just add a few miles! " He said, " Defamation Which is bigger than you see that you abandoned the virtue precede Prophet ' alaihi wa sallam? Verily Allah says, " Then let those who violate the command to overwrite the apostle feared trial or overwritten adzab a painful [ Qur' an An-Nuur letter: 63] ,
Reported by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in al-Faqih wal Mutafaqih I/ 148, Abu Al-hilyah Nu' aim in VI/ 326, al-Bayhaqi in al-Madhal: 236, Ibn al-Ibanah Baththah in: 98 and Abu Shama in Al-Ba' its: 1990 which was leaning to the Khallal.

And how wonderful what the Imam Umar bin Abdul Aziz told some governors may Allaah have mercy when they bequeathed to revive the Sunnah and deadly heresy. Kepdamu bequeath to my duty to God, in carrying out simple commands and follow the sunnah and the Apostles left the new things that made the people who later in something that has been accepted Sunnah and cukupkanlah him.

Know that not one of heresy but rather has come to blame the previous proposition and had again a lesson that shows kebid' ahan these actions. And you are to uphold the Sunnah. For, truly, it will protect the sunnah with the permission of Allah.

Know that people who perform the sunnah will know that breaking them will result in mistakes, slip and ignorance. For those who react first with science, and with a sharp view, they consider sufficient. They are the most powerful men in the study, but they were not looking. [ Al-Ibanah No. 163 and Sharh Usul Al-Sunna No. 16]

In conclusion, the understanding of the shari' ah is that everything associated with the worship should be solely based on command ( tauqifiyah) , and is not prescribed unless the prescribed texts as God' s law. Because ensuring ittiba of heresy and refused to make mistakes and held nothing new. [ Marwiyyat Qur' an Du' a Khatmil 11-12 Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd]

Allaah ta' ala knows best showab bish.

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