Pupuk ( 20 Pack) Gramafix® Tanaman Hias[Oct. 10, 2010 17:34:49]
The composition of manure nutrient content of Ornamental Plants Flowers Gramafix® been specially formulated based on nutrient needs of a variety of ornamental plants such as Rose flower, jasmine, etc. With the completeness of nutrients they contain primary macro ( NPK) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro ( Fe, Zn, B, Cl, Bo, Mo) , fertilizer Gramafix® presented Ornamental Plants Flower-shaped tablet size 1.5 grams and 3 grams. This formula has been registered in the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No.: T903/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
Complete the nutrient content of each tablet GramafixTanaman Ornamental - Flowers make the flower lover in cultivating the plants do not need to mixing and adding other elements such as urea, SP and KCL as usual. Presented in 3 gram tablet size is adjusted to the needs of application and dosage of ornamental plants.