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 Sell:Pupuk Tanaman dan Perkebunan Kopi ( Coffea L.)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Mente  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Karet ( Hevea Brasiliensis)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Kakao  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Lada  Sell:Mesin Kompos Rotary Kiln Elektrik [ RKE 2000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® ( Rotary Kiln Elektrik ) RKE  1000 L  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Rotary Klin RKM 1000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Hand Rotary]  Sell:Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Padi  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Vegetable Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]  Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ M]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 2]  Sell:Aktivator Dekomposisi Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 1]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [L]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [Ornamental Plant Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [Corn Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Kompos Green Phoskko®  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kacang   Complete Compound Fertilizer For Legum  Sell:Gramafix® Sawit   Palm Oil Plant Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh   Clove Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Gramalet®   Complete Compound Fertilizer Flexible Formula 
Contact Information

Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Kakao
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Quantity@ 20 kg per Karton
Pack. & DeliveryKarton (D/W, K 200/M150/K200 ( 360x355x263) mm
Based on the results of soil fertility survey showed that most of the cocoa plantation land in many locations in Indonesia has the status of organic materials is very low. In addition, cacao tree planting carried out by people often ignore considerations of land conservation as a result the process of loss of soil fertility has increased every year. Thus one attempt to solve the problem is the need to improve soil fertility by adding nutrients through fertilization and increased content of organic C through the provision of intake of organic compost.

Fertilizer tablets Gramalet ® Cocoa is a complete compound fertilizer with the content and composition of nutrients they contain is formulated and manufactured at the factory specifically for the cocoa plant ( Theobroma cacao) . 10 gram fertilizer tablet form is very helpful for farmer customers get a variety of nutrients at once in one tablet. With full content covering the primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 10 gr, diameter 24 mm and thickness 15 mm, fertilizer Gramalet ® Cocoa will be very efficient and effective for cocoa crop fertilization. In general, because the ability to control nutrient release ( slow release fertilizing) , the dose for cocoa crop is only 30% compared to a mixture of single fertilizers ( Urea + TSP + KCl) , or at the age of the cocoa crop Th 1 to TH-5 recommended dose of between 60 kg to 250 kg depending on age, plant spacing and plant growth phase of cocoa. Cocoa Gramalet ® is registered in the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No.: T905/ BSP/ II/ 2003.
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There are three levels of soil fertility for cocoa and its relationship with nutrient status in cocoa cultivation, respectively: ( 1) The level of high soil fertility ( pH 7.5; C-organic 4.2% and others, ( 2) Level fertility of the soil medium ( pH 6.5; C-organic 2% and others, ( 3) low soil fertility levels ( pH 5; C-organic and 0.4% others. The lower level of fertility as indicated increasingly low status of P, Ca, Mg, and K are available, the manure from these nutrients should be increased.
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