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 Sell:Pupuk Tanaman dan Perkebunan Kopi ( Coffea L.)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Mente  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Karet ( Hevea Brasiliensis)  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Kakao  Sell:Pupuk Majemuk Lepas Terkendali ( PMLT) Formula Lada  Sell:Mesin Kompos Rotary Kiln Elektrik [ RKE 2000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® ( Rotary Kiln Elektrik ) RKE  1000 L  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Rotary Klin RKM 1000 L]  Sell:Komposter Biophosko® [ Hand Rotary]  Sell:Pupuk Tablet Gramalet® Padi  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Biji [ Peas & Beans Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Buah [ Fertilizer For Fruits ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack) Gramafix® Sayuran Daun [ Leafy Vegetable Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk ( 60 Pack ) Gramafix® Sayuran Umbi [ Fertilizer for Root Crops ]  Sell:Komposter Elektrik Biophoskko® KE 100L  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ M]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [ S]  Sell:Penggembur [ Bulking Agent ] Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 2]  Sell:Aktivator Dekomposisi Kompos Green Phoskko® [ GP 1]  Sell:Komposter Biophoskko® Compost Bin [L]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [Ornamental Plant Fertilizer]  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Jagung [Corn Fertilizer ]  Sell:Pupuk Kompos Green Phoskko®  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Kacang   Complete Compound Fertilizer For Legum  Sell:Gramafix® Sawit   Palm Oil Plant Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Pupuk Gramafix® Cengkeh   Clove Compound Fertilizer Specific  Sell:Gramalet®   Complete Compound Fertilizer Flexible Formula 
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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Phone number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Mobile number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung

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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Pupuk Tanaman dan Perkebunan Kopi ( Coffea L.)
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
Quantity@ 20 kg per Karton
Pack. & DeliveryKarton (D/W, K 200/M150/K200 ( 360x355x263) mm
Coffee is an export commodity that was encouraging because it has relatively high economic value in domestic and world market, hence the coffee plant is one of the leading commodity. Indonesia became the world' s largest coffee producer after Brazil and Columbia.

In general, coffee plants require soil with a layer of deep, loose, fertile, many containing humus, and permeable, or in other words, the texture of the soil must be good. Soil texture / structure, both are soil derived from volcanic ash or which contain enough sand and organic. Such a rotation soil air and water in the ground goes well, do not want a shallow ground water, because it can rot roots, ground water depth of at least 3 meters from the surface. The roots of coffee plants require high oxygen, which means less good soil drainage and heavy clay is not suitable. Because unless the land is difficult to penetrate the roots, water and air circulation becomes bad. Similarly, heavy sand soil, in general, the moisture capacity is less, because less able to bind water.

Tablet Gramalet ® Coffee is a complete compound fertilizer formulating specific coffee plant. Composition and nutrient content in these tablets to help farmers and coffee planters in order to obtain various fertilizer nutrients at once. With full content covering the primary macro nutrients ( N, P, K) , secondary nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential nutrient ( Fe, B, Bo, Mo, Mn, Zn, Cl) and presented in the form of tablets 10 grams , tablet Gramalet have nutrients in a controlled release properties. Fertilizer formula registered with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia No: T905/ BSP/ II/ 2003 and has been certified and SNI.

By using a complete compound fertilizer Gramalet ® Coffee, fertilizer needs only 35% of the total amount / dose of a single fertilizer commonly used such as Urea, SP-36 or KCl. One ha Coffee ( TM) , for example, only requires fertilizer around 100-200 kg / ha / year. Therefore, the use of tablet Gramalet ® Coffee is very effective and efficient in order to increase farmers' income.

How to fertilization by creating a circular trench as deep as the tree approximately 10 cm, with a distance of tree canopy project ( approximately 1 m) . Or, make a hole in the circle ( in the disc around the base of the stem) , define and drill point - the point / hole Portugal to the placement of fertilizer in the direction of the four corners of the wind ( 4 points or up to 8 points) . Immerse Gramalet ® Coffee-half the recommended dose per year - that is to be divided evenly at every point at a depth of 10-15 cm from ground level. Fertilization is done once per 6 months or 2 times per year, could be fertilizing at the beginning and or end of the rainy season or at anytime when the soil moisture at least for the release of nutrients from fertilizer reaction tablet.

Examples of the coffee plant ( TM 5) , with a dose of 150 g / Phn / yr or 80 g / Phn / 6 months, can be created 4 dots or holes, burying each - each 2 eggs ( @ 10 g) per hole per 6 months. After the fertilizer embedded, the hole is closed again. It is recommended that at the time of fertilization, about grass roots clean from pests ( weeds) .
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One effort to improve productivity in a sustainable coffee is to increase production by fertilizing tablets along with improving the condition of land with organic fertilizer. The use of organic fertilizer will have an impact not only can improve soil nutrient levels and productivity of coffee plants, also controls the parasitic nematode attack.

Organic manure compost can be made of the form of agricultural waste ( residual crop residues) and waste agricultural industry. The application of organic compost with the introduction into the moat ( rorak) , size ( 100x40x40 cm) at a distance of 75 cm from the main plant. Events compost will help land the preferred coffee plants, among others, the top layer of deep, loose, fertile, many containing humus, and permeable. Integrated use of fertilizer ( organic and inorganic fertilizer) will raise the present low productivity of 500 kg / ha / yr in order to achieve appropriate genetic yield potential can be up to 1, 500 kg / ha / yr * )
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