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Mr. Yudhi Sutrisna Adi Nugraha [Marketing]
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RAJAGRAMEH - Pemacu Pertumbuhan Gurami[Oct. 17, 2011 3:40:39]
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RAJAGRAMEH - hyper growth of carp

Local isolates of probiotic microbes are native to Indonesia with the content of Rhodobacter, lactobacillus, and yeast acetobacter very effective for fish scales carp and other fish ( tilapia, Tawes, catfish, mas, etc.) in order to produce the maximum sustainable fish production and environmentally friendly


Increasing appetite of fish
Spur the growth of carp to the maximum
Add weight and speed up the harvest of fish
Prevent the occurrence of jam grows ( dwarf fish)
Lowering the death rate ( mortality)
Saves duties in total feed
Deodorize ( fishy) pool due to ammonia
Increase of protein feed penterapan to be meat to the maximum


To feed so ( pellet) . Combine 5 RAJAGRAMEH bottle caps into 1 liter of water add 2 tablespoons gulapasir / drops tebulalu stir well. Furthermore kocorkan / stir the liquid into the 10-15 kg of feed pellets until liquid is absorbed. Half could be stocked early morning, the rest can be stored in an enclosed place to be given the afternoon. During the day should be fed with leaves. Probiotics effective RAJAGRAMEH maish sjak though saved 12 hours of mixing.
To feed homemade. Combine 5-10 RAJAGRAMEH bottle caps into 10 literair and add 2 tablespoons granulated sugar / molasses and mix evenly. Soak the artificial feed as sente leaves, watercress, taro, papaya, cassava or soybean meal, pulp, bran, etc. into the liquid during fermentation lasts for 6-24 hours. After dientas can be directly stocked for fish food.

Packaging: 500 ml and 1000 ml
Price: 20, 000 and 30, 000

More details, contact:
Yudhi Sutrisna A.N. > HP: 081 355 555 216 085 654 237 113 or
Lundong RT.01 / 01-Kebumen Kutowinangun No.03-Java
or email: agra.adinugroho @ or agra.emedia @
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