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Ms. Dewi Nuraini, [Marketing]


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Phone number of Ms. Dewi Nuraini, at Jakarta Selatan

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Fax number of Ms. Dewi Nuraini, at Jakarta Selatan


Jl. Mujair Raya No 5 Jatipadang Pasar Minggu
Jakarta Selatan 12540, Jakarta

Kantor Pusat : Jl Pungkur 115 B Bandung 40251, Telpon: + 62-22-70790116, HP + 62-811208648- 81572527115
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Tempat Sampah Terpilah ( TST) BerSeka® Trash Net [ B][Sep. 14, 2010 1:28:11]
PriceRp 11.950.000,- per 10 unit (Loco Bandung).
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T)
QuantityPer 10 Unit
Pack. & DeliveryPlastic & Carton
BerSeka® Classified Trash Net [ B] made of HDPE and galvanized steel ( strongly affected by the heat of the sun and rain) , 50 liters capacity/ Net, presented parsed ( complete knock down) . Frame Dimensions ( Length= 125 cm, Width= 40 cm, height= 115 cm, Net Tall= 56 cm, Volume= 70 litter) , useful:

1. Encourage residents to separate dry waste ( industrial or inorganic) with natural or wet garbage container organic separate nets.

2. Avoid odor because the use of nets will provide enough oxygen. Given organic waste will rot in less than 24 hours if without aeration ( oxygen flow) is good,

3. Garbage is a few inches from the floor to avoid the reach of animals or insects such as cockroaches, flies, maggots, rats, cats, ants, and others.

4. facilitate decision-waste for recycling or further transportation to other places,

5. inorganic waste will be exposed to rain so clean, easy on the further process or scavengers can retrieve it without stirring,

6. Distance can be sent as presented in parsed ( knock down) so compact and inexpensive
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