Registration Date: Mar. 25, 2013. Last Updated: Apr. 23, 2015
Business Nature : Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Electronics & Electrical category

Company Brief

PT. Sarandi Cipta Energi ( SCENERGI) is a company that provides solutions for customers in the use of electrical energy. With the support of the professionals in their field, we are constantly improving services so as to meet customers' needs satisfactorily.

PT. Sarandi Cipta Energi ( SCENERGI) was established in early 2013, a company engaged in the field of MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS is more concentrating on empowerment, resource utilization and use of electrical energy that produces outputs that are beneficial to the development of technologies to meet the needs of people who are always adjust to the times of rapid and increasingly modern, which certainly will not be separated from the use of electrical energy itself, as well as improve the lives of the more advanced variety of sectors ( economic, industrial, construction, education, security, social and environmental) that always puts the system reliability, flexibility, effectiveness and efficiency of energy empowerment by creating quality natural environment is better for the life of all living beings in the future.

With a view to partnership and creativity, we all staff and management of PT. Sarandi Cipta Energi ( SCENERGI) hopes to serve customers to the compatible synergy and mutual benefit.