Specification :
BSVR bi-directional feeder voltage regulator is a derivative of SVR series products. In addition to the SVR functions, BSVR is capable of identifying the direction of load flow, tracking the change in input voltage and thus maintaining the output voltage constant. BSVR is applicable to 6kV, 10kV and 35 kV ring distribution networks or multi-source networks, in particular, suitable for distribution lines in mountain areas with many small hydro-electric power stations. In low water season, BSVR can raise the voltage at the end of the line, thus ensuring user power quality. On the other hand, in high water season when load flow changes frequently, by using appropriate control strategy, BSVR can not only inhibit the voltage at each substation and hydro-power station from rising excessively, but also meet the requirement of small hydro-power stations to deliver more electricity to the grid.
BSVR has been patented for its originality.
Patent No: ZL 2006 2 0136188.3
Alice Yang
Xiâan Senbao Electric Engineering Co.,Ltd
Tel. 86-29-85691888 / 88880553 / 88880526
Fax. 86-29-85691889
E-mail. alice@senbaoelec.com alice_yang19@hotmail.com
Web. http://www.senbaoelec.com
Address. NO.121 Western Avenue, New Industrial Park, High-tech Development Zone,
Xiâan City, Shaanxi ProvinceChina