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Mr. aris suryono [Owner/Entrepreneur]
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Taman Wisma Asri
Bekasi 17121, Jawa Barat
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Minyak Bulus Al Kautsar
PriceRp 25.000 discount hingga 30 %
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
Pack. & DeliveryIsi 15 ml
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Purchase Min.3 BTL: Rp. 20 000, -
Purchase Min.10 BTL: USD. 17 500, -

Contents: 15 ml

Packed by:
Al Kautsar Nucleus ` Afiyah

Struck oil taken from the machinations of fat mixed with the traditional way, is heated by the hot sun rays, or heated with hot fire until the fat melts.

Not leaving the side effects, safe for skin irritation & free, without a mixture of chemicals & other preservatives.

Among Khasiatnya ( Insha Allah) :

- Tighten skin
- Treat burns
- Tighten the breast
- Strengthens the vital tools / impotency
- Treat itching, ulcers, exim, etc.


To avoid deposition of fat, once oil is heated by the sun / hot fire.

How to use:

1. For those of skin wrinkles, what if the oil dabs her skin would be struck as he pushed back hard, smooth and singset, do it as often as possible.
2. Weak-syahawat vital tool, if applied as sorted from the base to the tip, insy ' god will come back strong.
Three. For women their breasts began to decline, with the way the brush and in gosok2 from the bottom up, it will come back strong, contains solid, and plump.
4. Black stains on the face caused by one who wore makeup or sun insha ' allah dg jk applied routinely cured.
5. To treat burns caused by wet heat / kenalpot, in order to avoid swelling, apply oil on the affected wound fleeced. Avoid injury from the exposed water.
6. Oil struck a very efficacious treatment unvk gatal2, ulceration, eczema. For itchy and sore enough dioles without mixture. For eczema struck oil mixed with mahogany seed and the collision k wounds routinely apply morning and evening, after dioles bandaged the wound with gauze that seteril.
7. Itching at the anus caused by worms kremi, struck oil smeared around the anus with a cotton buds and try rather go into the rectum.
8. Saggy belly after delivery by way of evenly applied while in tekan2 keperut do 1hr before bathing.
9. Fleas pecah2 feet in the water and dab on the wound at night before bed.
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