Instalasi Produksi Kompos ( IPKK)
Managing organic waste, the Rotary Klin IPKK use this, will cost 4 @ 7 kg bag of mineral ( balking agents) Green Phoskko @ Rp 5.000, -/ kg and 1 kg ~ 4 Pack activators Green Phoskko @ Rp 27. 500, - / kg or a total of about Rp 250, 000, -/ batch production per day. With the cost of the above, will produce solid manure 40% by weight of organic waste materials ( 1 ton of garbage initially, will be approximately 400 kg of compost) . Besides that, there are 20 bottles of liquid organic fertilizer ( liquid organic fertilizer) , the market price for @ Rp 20, 000 to Rp 40, 000 / bottles @ 500 ml. Total sales, if the votes of about Rp. 1. 400, 000 per day. As known, the price of compost Green Phoskko Rp. 1000, -/ kg plus Gramafert liquid organic fertilizer price Rp 20.000, - to Rp 40.000, - / bottles @ 500 ml+ + )