Welcome to CV. Surya Nusantara Express

Surya Nusantara Express is sea freight forwading company to ship goods by ship of PT. Pelni throughout East Indonesia ( Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat) .

We received the delivery of goods in the form of package, Party Goods Retail, Project Cargo, General Fabrication ( GC) , Construction Materials, Motorcycles, Cars, Trucks and all types of commodities with our services that is Door to Door Service, Port to Door Service and Port to Port service.

With an estimated departure and delivery are faster and certainly because the support representative in every city through which the ship Pelni.

Our Support Representative:
- Tarakan
- Nunukan
- Bau-bau
- Waingapu
- Kupang
- Ambon
- Ternate
- Manado
- Sorong
- Manokwari
- Nabire
- Biak
- Jayapura
- Fak-fak
- Kaimana
- Timika
- Merauke

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