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Name:Mr. Budi Setiawan Iwan Muliawan [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Budi Setiawan Iwan Muliawan at Jakarta Selatan
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Budi Setiawan Iwan Muliawan at Jakarta Selatan
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. Budi Setiawan Iwan Muliawan at Jakarta Selatan
Address:Jl. Duren Tiga Selatan, Kompleks Puri Asri No.1
Jakarta Selatan 12760, Jakarta
Alamat di Yogyakarta: Jl. Nyi Pembayun No.15, Kotagede. Tlp: 0274-9263681
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Oct. 5, 2011
Business Nature:Trade, Service of Food & Beverage category

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Company Brief

Home Based Business Opportunity With ( almost) No Capital.

Are you ( or your friends, relatives etc) looking for a suitable home based business opportunity that required no money down, very low risk and profit is guaranteed...?

Come join with hundreds of successfull distribution agents of our product - TAHU KURING, a traditional soybean cake ( tofu) originally made in Bandung. These fresh daily hand-made food are delivered everyday all the way from Bandung in an iced styrovom box to your door step for free..! ! Get rid of the delivery hassle, so you only focus on the selling and servicing your happy customer.

Currently we have more than one hundred agents spread accross Jabodetabek and Yogyakarta, which consists of residentials house-wives, market traders, shop owners, restaurants, cafe and thirty pedestrian strollers ( tri-cycles) in four market areas. And it' s still growing...

These are seven reasons why many people are interested to become TAHU KURING Agents:

1. No capital needed.
2. Easy to sell products, proven favourite tahu market into wide range of peoples.
3. Free delivery to your door-step
4. Net profit could reach Rp 3.000.000.-/ months or more.
5. Exclusive for one Agent in at least one residential area, and a priviledge to recruit sub-agents within your area to improve sales.
6. Home based business, so no rental office costs, and no travel distance through Jakarta' s bad traffic
7. Other favourite product lines are also available from TAHU KURING once your business runs successfully. Your retail profit will get even better.

To become agents is very easy but importantly:

* You are staying in housing complex areas in Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi, Tangerang or Yogyakarta, proven by your local ID card.
* You are really serious about establishing your own new business in food-distribution line
* You have at least one person domestic helper
* You have a phone line, preferrably a mobile phone with sms features.

Are you the one...?

Come on hurry up, call us now...

* 021-7918-1682
* 021-9876-8085
* 0818-169-477
* 0818-162-187

Remember, market areas are limitted, only one Agent maximum for every housing complex. First come first serve....


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