sesuai ukuran
With increasing use of HDPE, the demand for fittings from the pipe is very large. for that our company also provide PE Fitting in accordance with market demand.
High-density polyethylene ( HDPE) or polyethylene high-density ( PEHD) is a polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum. It takes 1.75 kilograms of petroleum ( in terms of....
we sell various product of pvc maspion, wavin, rucika, langgeng, jaya, pmp, fitting 88, winlon, triliun, etc.
sesuai ukuran dan jenis barang
Dalam sebuah bangunan, instalasi pemipaan berperan sangat penting. Baik dalam pemipaan untuk saluran air, saluran ac / udara termasuk juga saluran buangan dari dalam rumah keluar.....