Specification :
3R ( REDUSE, reuse and RECYCLE)
Environmentally friendly
Handling garbage problem and the problem is from day to day more vivid but never arrived at a solution that is easy and feasible method accepted in development. Admittedly the government' s role as the manager of the State to be important in doing research for then take the appropriate methods for handling waste, so the solution is expected to be realized.
The best of the complete solution is completely the problem and not for any negative impact, with relatively low cost and affordable. Three of the above; 1.Penanganan a Permanent, 2.Tidak negative impact, and 3. Cheap is a necessary condition method and absolute achieved.
We have discussed about the handling of rampant waste to zero or zero waste. To apply the idea of zero waste requires socialization and education in the community about waste management is the responsibility of the general government or related agencies.
Law No.18 Year 2008 on Waste Management which berasaskan responsibility, sustainability, utility function, the principle of justice, the principle of unity, the principle of safety, security principles, and the principle of economic value. Everything aims to improve the health and environmental quality and make the waste as a resource.
Industry as a general model of the face of big cities much needed public service that is easy, good and satisfactory. To obtain the required professional services and quality of service that meets industry standards, especially the tourism sector, where service or service becomes the main product. Along with the BPLHD Jabar end of 2009 will perform echo program rating.
It is also necessary for waste management professionals with a perfect quality, which requires discipline and ability in management techniques. Given the waste management service that is far from the standards of quality.
Global warming is the issue of promotion can be used as a means for the parties involved to make the management of environment-friendly garbage. Where is coherent with the impact of socialization activities in the community, so for those who have awakened will prefer products that implement industry-friendly management system environment.
Develop a relationship with the agricultural sector in order to seek integration with the agricultural waste management. As manifiestasi of applications where zero waste processed waste is used again by the waste producers and to realize the independent farmer.
Providing services, consulting and waste management and environmentally friendly integrated ( integrated waste management) . Ministry of transport, hygiene waste collection sites in order to stay clean and provide a means of socialization waste management.
Trash will be handled by experts and skilled workers who have been trained in handling the waste problem. Environmentally friendly technology that underlies this waste management activities.
Integration with agriculture not only be done in the villages, even in big cities have done a lot of agriculture. To keep the quality of the natural environment, especially in the city of Bandung where the environment is one of the main products and the investment that recently started to drop behind and neglected
Thus our presentation of the products we offer. In detail would be done face to face to clarify or answer something that has not had presented
Muhammad Ardhi Elmeidian
Facility Manager