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bank mandiri mikro

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bank mandiri mikro
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Name:Mr. jumri mks [Sales]
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. jumri mks at Bekasi Timur
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. jumri mks at Bekasi Timur
Fax Number:Fax number of Mr. jumri mks at Bekasi Timur
Address:Ruko Raflesia No. 42 Jl. Pengasinan Raya Jati Mulya
Bekasi Timur 17510, Jawa Barat
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Aug. 22, 2011
Business Nature:Service of Business Services category

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Mandiri Micro Credit

We provide Micro Credit for those who need Investment Loan ( KI) and or Working Capital Credit ( KMK) for the development of productive and consumptive micro scale.

This financing facility can be provided to all owners of micro and home businesses either in the form firms, business groups, and individuals ( such as traders, farmers, ranchers, and fishermen) .
Micro Credit ( KUM) consists of two types of loan products:

1. KUM ( Micro Credit)

Micro Credit, Micro specifically given to a maximum credit limit of Rp 100 million. Especially for top up facility is allowed up to a limit of Rp 200 million.
2. KSM ( Multipurpose Micro-Credit)

To finance a variety of purposes ( multipurpose) , while not violating decency, public order and contrary to law with a maximum credit limit amounting to Rp 50 million.

Candidate Requirements Debtor

1. Micro Credit ( KUM)
* Minimum 2 years in business locations with the same business.
* Minimum age 21 years or married. Maximum age 60 years when the credit is paid off.
* Attach proof of identity in the form of identity cards ( KTP) , Family Card ( KK) and Marriage Certificate ( for married) .
* Special credit up to Rp 50 million tax ID required.
* Certificate of Business from the Village / Kelurahan, Office of Market, or where the relevant Local Authority has a business; or
* Business License.
* Never obtain a credit facility or had / have obtained a credit facility with the collectibility of Current or not in credit crunch.
2. Multipurpose Micro Credit ( KSM)
* Indonesian citizen domiciled in Indonesia.
* It has been appointed as a permanent employee at least 1 ( one) year and fixed income. Especially for employees with permanent status ( not including probation / probation) and payroll in the bank then the working lives of employees are not counted.
* Minimum age 21 years or are married and when the credit is paid off according to the maximum retirement age of 55 years ( except for employees of Government / BUMN / / BHMN / age requirements are determined in accordance with applicable regulations) .
* Earnings per month above the minimum wage ( UMR) applicable in the area.
* Submit a copy of proof of identity cards ( KTP) of borrowers and the husband / wife of borrowers, Family Card ( KK) and Marriage Certificate / Divorce ( for those who are married / divorced) .

Recommended Credit:

* The nature of credit is aflopend ceiling ( fixed installments)
* Term of loan a maximum of 36 months
* Collateral is a form of object-funded & in the form of fixed assets


* The Quick and Easy
* Credit requirements of lightweight

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