Pupuk Gramafix® Tanaman Hias [ Ornamental Flower]
Ornamental plants with flowers as the main object of interest will require the type and composition of the fertilizer with potassium (K2O) dominant over Phosphor (P2O5) but, equivalent nitrogen content (N) plus Mg, S and Ca and Micro Element. This composition as found in Formula ® Gramafix Flower Ornamental Plants (17-8-17 - 3-7-3 +1).
Content of the fertilizer composition Gramafix ® Ornamental Plants Flower Formula has been specially formulated based on nutrient needs of a variety of ornamental plants such as Rose flower, jasmine, etc. With the completeness of nutrients they contain include elements of primary macro (NPK), secondary nutrient (Mg, S, Ca) and micro (Fe, Zn, B, Cl, Bo, Mo), Gramafix® Ornamental fertilizer Plants Flower-shaped tablet sizes are presented 3 grams. This formula has been registered in the Ministry of Agriculture Decree No.: T903/BSP/II/2003.