Specification :
Educators worldwide are working to transform education through personalized learning, improved teacher development and performance, enhanced access to information, and more efficient management of the processes that facilitate teaching, learning, and research.
Only WMK delivers database, middleware, hardware, and applications based on open industry standards. And only WMK offers complete, integrated, market-leading solutions that enable education institutions and jurisdictions to adapt to the changing needs and demands of all their constituents-students, teachers, parents, faculty, researchers, staff, graduates and alumni, governance bodies, and the extended community of supporters and stakeholders.
Only WMK delivers the most comprehensive, adaptable solutions to meet the needs of small institutions as well as large, multi-location school districts and university systems.
Primary and Secondary Education Solutions
WMK is committed to helping schools around the world address today' s challenging educational environment. Our solutions help educators and administrators improve teaching and learning, enhance student and teacher success, and support informed decision-making and transparency. Only WMK provides all the key
Education and Research
Only wmk delivers database, middleware, hardware, and applications based on open industry standards. And only wmk offers complete, integrated, market-leading solutions that enable higher education and research institutions to adapt to the changing needs and demands of all their constituents-students, faculty, researchers, staff, graduates and alumni, governance bodies, and the extended community of supporters and stakeholders. Only wmk delivers the most comprehensive, adaptable solutions to meet the needs of small institutions as well as large, multi-location, and online university systems.