Specification :
Moslem bukhori to tell since Aisyah r.a indeed once to hear prophet to speak:
Really deep habbatus sauda' that to be found recovery all illness, except as-sam," I to ask,' what is as-sam ?' his honour to answer,"death. ( shahih bukhary, 5687 )
Jiham is a habbatus sauda' ( nigella sativa ) that to consist of spices to contain all sorts of kind wood that very to require by body.
therapeutics : 3x2 cap / daily
combating : 2x2 cap / daily
1. To strengthen system invulnerability body : to sign cell T as indicator illness
2. Ocydan, histamin against.
3. Assist to spread renal calculus.
4. To bring down disposal sugar descent ( hypohglycemic ).
5. To increase stamine.
6. To consist of high nutricion essence: monosaccharides, glukosa, xylose, arabinose and non starch polysaccharide.
7. To increase mother breast production that to suckle.
8. To take care skin, hear,and claw ministry of health : to spor growth hear and to go against fall hear.
9. To consist of against essence to cause tomour.
10.To delay cell old process
11. Stability pressure descent.
12. To Strengthen energy concentracion
13. Assist recovery impotent.
14. Bactery against.
15. Such high fibre sourche.
16. To decrease disturbance diary, gastric, and lever. To increase capacity assimilation and exile, to increase appetite.
17. Hormon stability.