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    Mesin Pengupas Kulit Ari Kacang Tanah

    [Dec. 7, 2015 22:52:12]

    Mesin Pengupas Kulit Ari Kacang Tanah
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    Specification :

    Technical specifications:

    * Drive: Electro Motor 1/ 2 HP
    * Working Capacity: 50 kg / h
    * Ability Separation: 70%
    * Cleaning Ability: 80%
    * Damage beans: less than 4%
    * Power Requirements: 1-2 People
    * Length: 150 cm
    * Width ( tray closed) : 60 cm
    * Height ( tray closed) : 110 cm.

    Price: IDR 10.000.000, -

    The price does not include driving and postage costs.
    The price could changes every time.
    Please come directly to our workshop in Jalan Kyai Pond Deres No. Surabaya 84 North / White Gate

    HP: 085745722999/ 085286722999/ 087714722999
    Tel: ( 031) 51165657 / ( 031) 51503779
    Fax: 031 515 051 11
    Email: 99surabaya @ gmail.com
    Website: www.99surabaya.net
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