Media Survey distributor Alat Telekomunikasi - Ber test, Power Meter, Sunlite E1 Tester, Sunset SDH, Sunset STT, Sunset 10G, Sunset E20C, Sunset MTT, Bird-5000EX. Dll
Sunlite E1 Tester
2 Mbps testing in the palm of your hand! Available in 75 ohm and 120 ohm models, this tiny tester will conduct and store a variety of vital tests.
* 2.048 Mbps transmit,receive, and external clock
* E1 bit error rate testing (ITU-T G.821)
* ITU-T G.826 and M.2100 analysis
* Level and frequency measurements
* Programmable NFAS words
* Alarm Generation/Error Injection
* TERM, PMP (Monitor), High Impedance
* Drop and insert capability (N or Mx 64k)
* store up to 10 test results and 10 user profiles