Free Member
Bratajaya Creativindo
Bratajaya Creativindo

Free Member
Registration Date:
Jun. 5, 2014
Last Updated:
Aug. 4, 2015
Business Nature:
Service of Construction & Real Estate category
Company Brief
Bratajaya Creativindo is a company engaged in the field of interior, exterior Contractors, Furniture Making and design which was founded in 2010. Bratajaya Creativindo supported managerial skills possessed to always deliver the best quality for consumers. Bratajaya Creativindo emerged as a response to the needs of the community in meeting the needs of furniture in accordance with the wishes of its users. with the basic concepts of Art and Architecture, we are here to meet the needs of practical and dynamic lifestyle. Modern society, in turn, requires a luxurious accents as marker image and taste.

Bratajaya Creativindo understand that by presenting creative designs, innovative fit the space and areas of desired purposes. Our quality has been trusted to fill the interior and furniture of various parties, ranging from offices, hotels, apartments, hospitals, houses, shopping centers, to places of entertainment. We are committed to providing excellent service and to provide good quality products at competitive prices and WARRANTY 3 years ( Special for Furniture)
* Terms and Conditions apply.