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SICK ENCODER[Feb. 16, 2011 19:06:00]
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Industrial Sensors SICK

Inductive Proximity Sensors
The IM Series: IM, IME, IMF, INOX, Triplek
The IH Series: IH
The IQ Series: IQ
Capacity Proximity Sensors
The CM Series: CM18, CM18 ( PTFE) , CM30 DC, CM30 AC
The CQ Series: CQ28, CQ35
Magnetic Proximity Sensors
The MM Series: MM08, MM12 ( also ATEX) , MM18 ( also ALTEX)
The MQ Series: MQ10
Magnetic Cylinder Sensors
⢠Sensors for cylinder with c-slots: MZ2Q-C, MZN1, RZNI
⢠Sensors for cylinder with t-sholt: MZ2Q-T, MZT8, MZT6 ( also ATEX) , MZT1, RZT6, RZT1, MZF1, MZU2 ( weld-immune)
⢠Sensors for variety of cylinder: Mounting adapter for MZT8, MZT6/ RZT6 and MZT1/ RTZ1 sensors, MZZ1 ( also ATEX) , MZU2 ( weld-immune) , MZR1/ MZR2 ( ATEX) , MZK1/ MZK3
⢠Sensors with two switching points: MZ2Q-C, MZ2Q-T
Photoelectric proximity switches and photoelectric switches
⢠Miniature photoelectric switches: W2 Slim, W2 Flat, W4-3, W4S-3, W8, W100, W140-2, W150
⢠Small photoelectric switches: W130 Laser, W160, W170, W190, W9 Laser, W9-2, W11-2, W12-2 Laser, W12-3, W12G, W14-2, W18-3
⢠Compact photoelectric switches: W23-2, W24-2, W250, W260, W280, W27-3, W34, W45
⢠Photoelectric proximity switches and photoelectric switches for accumulating roller conveyors: WTR, WLR, ZLM1
⢠Cylindercal photoelectric switches: V12-2, V18, MH15, V18L Laser, V18V Food & Beverage, MH15V Food & Beverage
Photoelectric proximity switches and photoelectric switches
⢠Photoelectric switches with fibre-optic cables: WLL170( T) -2, WLL190T-2, WLL12, WLL24-2 Exi, WLL260, VLL18T
⢠Laser photoelectric switches: WT27L-2, W100L, W9L, W130L, W190L, , standard- serieâ , W190L, , high gradeâ , W12L-2, V18L
⢠EX phoelectric switches: W24-2 Exi, W18-3 Ex, W27-3 EX, WL24-2 EX, WTR-2 EX

Contrast, Color, Luminescence, Fork Sensors
⢠Contrast Sensors
KT10-2, KT8 CAN, KT8 Laser, KT5-2, KTL5 ( laser light) , KT6, KT3 ( IO link) , KT3 Laser, KT2, KT1M
⢠Color Sensors
⢠Luminescence Sensors
LUT1, LUT3-6, LUT3-8, LUT3-9, LUT2
⢠Fork Sensors
Distance Sensors
⢠Displacement sensors for short distances: OD, OD Hi, OD MAX, OD MAX transparent, Profiler, OD Precision
⢠Distance sensors for medium distances: DT2, DT10, DT20, DT20Hi, DS30, DT60, DL60, DS60
⢠Distance sensors for long distances: DS500/ DT500, DME5000, DME4000, DME3000, DME2000, DMT, DML
⢠Data transmission sensors: ISD280, ISD300, ISD400
Automation Light Grids
⢠Automation light grids: ELG, HLG, MLG, WLG
⢠Pick2light automation light grids: Pick2light
⢠SLG Automation light grids: SAS, SPL, SGS
Ultrasonic Sensors
⢠Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors: UM30, UM18, UC12, UC4
⢠Ultrasonic Double-Sheet Inspection: UM18
⢠DMP3 Fine Positioning Sensors: DMP3
Machine Vision
⢠Vision Sensors: Inspector, CVS, ICS, AGD, DCI
⢠Smart Cameras: IVC-2D, IVC-3D
⢠Ranger 3D Camera: Rangers C, Rangers D, Rangers E
⢠Ruler 3D Camera: Ruler E
⢠Machine Vision Accessories: ACL ( Intense Camera light) , ALP ( Industrial Laser Projector) , Lens, Image-capture switching, Cable
Rotative Encoders
⢠Absolute Encoders Rotative: Multitum ATM60/ ATM90
⢠Ancremental Encoders:
DRS20/ DRS25/ DRS21/ DRS26/ DRS60/ DRS61
DGS60/ DGS65/ DGS66/ DGS20/ DGS25/ DGS21/ 22/ DGS35/ 34/ DFS60
⢠Absolute Encoders Linear:
KHK53 ( for crane and conveyor system)
Lincoder L230 ( factory automation and linear motors)
⢠Wire-Draw Encoders
BKS/ XKS/ PKS ( compact absolute and incremental wire-draw encoders with integrated wire-draw mechanisms)
Motor Feedback System
⢠Incremental Encoders: VFS60 Incremental encoders
⢠The dicoders series: Dicoder CKS36, Dicoder CNS50

Format Adjusment Drives
⢠The sincos series with hiperface interface, rotative and linear:
SinCos SEK2, SinCos SKS/ SKM36, SinCos SRC/ SRM50 and 60, SinCos SCK/ SCL25-53, SinCos SRS/ SRM64, LinCoder L230
⢠Format Adjustment Driver

Bar Code and Matrix Code Reading Systems

⢠Bar Code Scanners â fix mounted
CLV 405, CLV 410, CLV 420, CLV 430, CLV 440, CLV 450, CLV 480, CLV 490
Omnidirectional Bar Code Reading System
CLX 490, OPS 400, OPS, ALIS 400
⢠Volume Measurement Systems and Matrix Code Scanners
VMS 420/ 520, ICR 840, ICR 850/ 852, ICR 855
⢠Connection Modules
CDB 400, CDM 400, MUX 400, CMX Modules
⢠Configuration and Diagnosis Software
CLV setup, CLV Connect, RDT 400
⢠Hand â Held Scanners
TR3080, IT 3810, IT 3800, IT 5600/ 5620, IT 5800, IT 3870, IT 4600/ 4620, IT 4800
⢠Handscanner Software
TR Setup, Visual Menu, Quick View
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