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Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR [Director/CEO/General Manager]


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Fax number of Mr. Sonson Garsoni, IR at Bandung


Jl. Pungkur No 115 B
Bandung 40251, Jawa Barat

Showroom & Workshop Jl Raya Banjaran No 222, Bandung Selatan 40376, Jawa Barat, + 62-812221160
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Indonesia has a variety of agricultural products, especially horticultural germplasm diversity and variety that allows to support the development of fruit, vegetables and flowers. But the results of horticulture crops have special properties such as:

1. Easily or quickly decay ( perishable) , but always needed every day in a fresh condition. Since the harvest until the market requires careful handling and efficient because it will affect the quality and market price,

2. Have aesthetic value, so it should meet the wishes of the general public. The situation is very difficult because it depends on the weather, pests and diseases, but with additional costs that difficulty can be overcome,

3. Production is generally seasonal, some are not available throughout the year, for example: Durian, Langsat, Rambutan, Mangosteen and so forth,

4. Requires volume ( room volumenes) are large, causing a greater transportation cost and market price is high,

5. It has a planting area ( geography) that are very specific or demanding certain Agroclimate, for example: Orange Tebas, Durian Hall of Authorship, Langsat Punggur, Duku Palembang, Jeruk Garut, Indramayu Mango, Passion Fruit Medan, New Moat Rambutan, Pineapple Kilkenny and others.

Similarly, in the horticulture group of ornamental plants and cut flowers. This plant group has been growing since 1983 in Jakarta, the highlands of West Java, Central Java, East Java, East Sumatra. Group of cut flowers, potted plants, ornamental plants trees, orchids, carnations, roses, chrysanthemums, gladiolus, and so forth. The number and types of new species began to increase, such as melons, sweet corn, broccoli, little by little began to grow.

In order to participate and support the development, CVSK hereby introduce fertilizers and fertilizer technology through the provision of fertilizer specific formula in tablet form as well as machine processing organic waste and organic waste into compost and liquid organic fertilizer.

Fertilizers produced and formulated at the factory level in the form of tablets, with a wide choice of sizes tablets and 3 grams of compound fertilizer and compound fertilizer tablets 10 grams. Each fertilizer tablets consist of macro nutrient content of NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) , secondary nutrient enriched fertilizer elements ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro Essential include copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron ( Mo, Co , Mn, Fe, B, Bo, Cu, Zn, Cl) . Fertilizer formulations Gramalet ® guarantee completeness, at least 13 required plant nutrients available in each tablet fertilizer, which is so because the completeness of nutrients, it does not require an additional element Gramalet fertilizer any other - including in this case urea ( N) , phosphorus fertilizer ( SP) and potassium fertilizer ( KCl) . But for the interests of environmental health agronomic crops, will be very good if the added C-Organic ( compost, natural fertilizers) memlihara behalf soil structure and fertility of the land.

In the category of organic ( compost) is CVSK has managed to isolate microbes and decomposers ( probiotics) , garbage and organic waste and various minerals for the continuity of modern composting, hygienic and quick. Microbial decomposers are compost activators Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) and mineral bulking ( Bulking Agent) Green Phoskko ® ( GP-2) . Meanwhile, for the continuity of the decomposition in an effective and efficient than the traditional way ( open beds or windrows) , developed machine tools ( composter) Biophosko ® household scale, and environmental scale Rotary Kiln scale commercial business. Compost is very beneficial for the hobbies and park managers in making compost by using raw materials derived from domestic waste or, for entrepreneurs to get business - which produces faster than manage waste in commercial areas ( housing, factories, markets, malls, food court, farm environmental and apartments) as well as social areas ( schools and colleges, hospitals, places of worship, etc.) .

Bandung, June 2009


IR. Sonson Garsoni
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