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Iwan darmawan

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showing 21-30 of 30
Gurami Sabah
[Dec. 5, 2010 6:52:13]

Price : s

These fish can be sized 50cm and characteristics in badanya there are red for the boys....
Fire Eel/ sili merah
[Dec. 5, 2010 6:49:08]

Price : sms & tlp

These fish can size up to 1 m more and the food of worms and shrimp pleasure body....
Asian raid catfish
[Dec. 5, 2010 6:45:44]

Price : sms & tlp

asian RTC can reach 1 meter and is now being sold size 5-8cm live in fresh water and food....
golden red/ schleropages phormosus
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:12:03]

Price : sms & tlp

Arowana fish can size up to 90cm and the food so that his body out of shrimp to red and I....
Arwana Irian/ schleropages phormosus
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:11:42]

Price : sms & tlp

Irian Arowana fish can be up to 90 cm and the food-sized shrimp, small fish while I' m....
pari Histrix
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:09:18]

Price : sms & tlp

histrix stingray, measuring 6 " and characteristics of brown bodies and there are flowers....
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:08:20]

Price : sms & tlp

Belida fish can reach the size of 1 meter and eat small fish, shrimp, worms
Palmas albino
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:08:01]

Price : sms & tlp

Palmas albino can be measured about 40 cm and forms such as dragon fish, but the color is....
Raidtail catfish/ RTC
[Oct. 9, 2010 18:06:36]

Price : sms & tlp

These fish can be bulky and can reach 1 meter over the wild-free while the food is small....
[Oct. 9, 2010 17:54:46]

Price : sms & tlp

This right has been able to give birth size 30cm size and color of this fish is black and....
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