JAVADIONTEL SELL, SERVICE FWT FWT GSM and CDMA - One of the best ways to reduce the cost of telephone in your office is using and / or GSM FWT CDMA FWT.
With FWT GSM / CDMA is the GSM or CDMA number can be included into the PABX so that besides the number Telkom PABX number manuel has GSM / CDMA.
Available in some type 1 port, 4 port and 8 port with system RUIM or SIM Card.
Matches in pairs on all brands of PABX.
In the guarantee by using the FWT is the telephone bill would save up 20% s / d 40%.
For further information please contact us.
For additional information we are sellers YG OUR COMPANY MOVING IN THE FIELD OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICE + telecommunications, INSTALLATION SERVICES, focus only sell telecommunications equipment and all of his 1-year warranty.
Make sure you buy in a secure place, quality and 1-year warranty.
contac:javadiontel jl.alia 4 no: 3 bulak sentul bekasi
webset: www.javadiontel.com