``CV Surya Sakti Utama_- Kontraktor lapangan futsal,Rumput Sintetis,Jaring,Interlock,Vinyl,Rubber,Konstruksi Baja,Dll
CV Surya Sakti Utama
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CV Surya Sakti Utama
Contact Information
Mr. zulvi Arizal
[Director/CEO/General Manager]

Instant Messaging:
Y!: suryasakti2@yahoo.co.id 
Phone Number:
Phone number of Mr. zulvi Arizal at Bandung Barat
Mobile Number:
Mobile number of Mr. zulvi Arizal at Bandung Barat
komp Bukit Permata Block i-1 No 24 Permata Cimahi
Bandung Barat 40552, Jawa Barat
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We are the company that movement in the sectors service of commerce and service of contruction of the futsal and soccer with using synthetic grass.This company is the company that' s has been independent as long as more 5 years.
And has been proofed with a lot of project in the sectors of service contruction field of futsal and the soccer that' s carried out in some big city in Indonesian.
That think can be refer to us to participate in the contruction in this country, especially in the sectors field of futsal and soccer with front creative and inovation for child of nations.
In the various of kind of product and service taht we are bidding to various kind, beginnig from product from and service contruction of field of futsal and soccer, exact
That one think can be approprite with the hopeles and needed owner, such as

-Service of contruction field of futsal and soccer
-Labor force ( take all of labor force)
-Maintenance and repair to field of futsal and soccer

-Synthetic grass
-Equipment for net and synthetic grass and etc.
-Sport fashion.

To many project that has been to do become big motivate for us to inotivation.
We are sure can be give good service for consumer the satisfied of sonsumer become first factor for us in to do comitment.

Proyek Yang sudah at kerjakan :

Maâ € ™ arif Garden Futsal and WaterBoom ( TasikMalaya)
Futsal 8 Futsal ( Malang)
Premier Futsal ( Malang)
Caesar Futsal ( Malang)
Bima Sakti Futsal ( Malang)
RRI Futsal ( Malang)
Arena Futsal ( Malang)
Futsal 88 ( Malang)
City Futsal ( Lombok)
Daswin Futsal ( Lombok)
Mawar Futsal ( Lombok)
Intan Futsal ( Palembang)
Persijam Futsal ( Jambi)
Guna Paksi Futsal ( Padang)
VIP Futsal ( Pasuruan)
Arena Futsal ( Malang)
Bumik Futsal ( Tarakan)
Kendari Futsal ( Kendari)
MU futsal ( Bandung)
KISS Futsal ( Bandung)
Futsal 35 ( Bandung)
Gempol Futsal ( Bandung)
Raisser Futsal ( Bandung)
Omih Futsal ( Semarang)
Matahari Futsal ( Klaten)
Grande Futsal ( Palangkaraya)
Cyber Futsal ( Jakarta)
Rumbai Futsa l ( Riau)
STMIK Bukit Tinggi ( Bukit Tinggi)
PLTU Gresik ( Gresik)
Wihoga Futsal ( Garut)
WF Futsal ( Garut)
Tegar Futsal ( Jatiwangi)
Audy Futsal and Resto ( Sidrap-Makasar)
Lambada Futsal ( Lembang-Bandung)
Sariwangi Futsal ( Parongpong-Bandung)
Tiffosi Futsal ( Banyuwangi)
Agus Futsal ( Banyuwangi)
Sentul-Bogor 1 Lap
Bireun-Aceh 2 Lap
Padang 2 Lap
Payakumbuh 1 Lap
Bukit Tinggi 1 Lap
Lombok 4 Lap
Medan 1 Lap
Jambi 2 Lap
Riau 3 Lap
Palembang 3 Lap
Jakarta 1 Lap
Bekasi 1 Lap
Majalaya 1 Lap
Ciparay 1 Lap
Cimahi 2 Lap
Brebes 1 Lap
Kudus 1 Lap
Malang 1 Lap
Magetan 1 Lap
Jember 2 Lap
Makasar 1 Lap
Sidrap 1 Lap
Palu 5 Lap
Balikpapan 1 Lap
Tarakan 4 Lap
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