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JP waterpower environmental protection equipment co., ltd.

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JP waterpower environmental protection equipment co.,  ltd.
JP waterpower environmental protection equipment co., ltd.

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  • reverse osmosis equipment

    reverse osmosis....


    1. virous RO system.
    2. Free design whole system.
    3. virous UF system
    4. virous NF system.
    5. Free design various water treatment system.
    6. please contact with us , www....

  • Air blower

    Air blower


    NO. Model Rotate speed( r/ min) Caliber Flow M3/ min Power( kw) Weight( kg)
    1 3L13WD/ 3L13WC 1450/ 1650 Ã   50 0.81-1.17 2.2-3 12 5-140
    3 3L21WD/ 3L21WC 1450/ ....

  • Pump



    1. various pumps.
    2. pumps equipments.
    3. blower.
    4. free design whole project.
    5. contact with us , www.jpwaterpower.com

  • Dosing equipment

    Dosing equipment


    JP-JY integration dosing equipment can dissolve PAM and doing PAM to liquid Automatically.
    Model JY1000 JY1500 JY2000 JY2500 JY3000
    Preparation Capacity( L/ H) 1000 ....

  • dissolved air flotation

    dissolved air....


    Model Flow rate
     m3/ h Disolved air flow rate
     m3/ h Major Pump
     KW Disolve air pump
     KW Remove float unit
    WQF-3 2-3 0.5-1 1.5 0.37 0.12
    WQF-5 3....

  • filter



    1. we are a manufacturer in china, we can supply fine filter , bag filter , FRP filter, sand filter , carbon filter etc all filter.
    2. good quality and good price.
    3. please....

  • electrocoagulation plant



    Electrocoagulation ( EC) uses a direct current to dissolve a parallel electrode unit and thereby introduces metal ions with a positive charge into the wastewater stream ( fig 1) .....

  • rotor flow meter

    rotor flow meter


    Product Description
    We can provide Variable flowmeter ( flowmeter; flow meter; pipeline flowmeter, panel rotameter)
    Pipeine flowmeter :
    1. Accuracy: 4% ; Duplicate accuracy: ....

  • flow meter

    flow meter


    DN 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 250 300
    Flow min 0.03 0.06 0.12 0.17 0.29 0.45 0.7 1.19 1.8 2.8 4.4 6.36 11.3 17.6 25.4
    F low max min....

  • filter press

    filter press


    1. manual filter press
    2. Auto filter press.
    3. belt filter press.
    4. please contact us , www.jpwaterpower.com

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