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Kacang Mbah Jo
Kacang Mbah Jo

Mbah beans Jo An independent business unit specialized trade cashews . As for the types of cashews that are available :
1. W320
2. Ws ( Central Mall )
3. Lp ( a quarter split )
4. Sw ( split -eighth )
5. BB ( very small pieces )
for the availability and price of goods please contact our team . considering the stock price changes and we are looking forward very quickly turned serious buyer do contact us via phone / fuel .
location availability nut :
Jakarta : jl . Teens II RT 02 RW 10 84 Middle Village District of Kramat Jati , East Jakarta
Wonogiri : RT 04 RW 07 ngeledok kayuloko village , sub district Sidoharjo . wonogiri
cp : bagas wicaksono
BB ; 7E3AE25

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