Acting as marketing agency of PT Cipta Visi Sinar Kencana ( PT CVSK) , which produces complete fertilizer tablets ( PMLT) Gramalet ® flexible formula and formula specific crop Gramafix ® . Associated with the provision of environmentally friendly fertilizers, PT CVSK also engaged in the provision of composting organic material Green Phoskko ® . Now, located in Bandung - West Java, and since its founding in 1986 in Bogor city with power management graduates majoring in general agriculture, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Information Technology expertise is - has decided to do business around the development of technologies based on the field of agricultural science The main effort, especially on the development of fertilizers and fertilizer technology.
In regard to enhancing the credibility of quality fertilizer, through a joint program with the Ministry of Industry and Trade on th 2003, the company has passed the golden rays to get a certificate and using SNI mark ( required for products affected by mandatory SNI-as Minister of Industry Decree No.140 / MPP / Kep / 3 / 2002) . Besides the acquisition of SNI mark it, Sinar Kencana now have 11 permits circulation of Formula ( No Registration form from the Ministry of Agriculture Fertilizer) - as regulated by Decree of the Minister of Agriculture of Republic of. 09 / Kpts / TP.260 / 1 / 2003. Both regulations are based on Government Regulation No. 8 TH 2001 and TH 1992 Act No. 12 of Cultivation.
In the category of compost material, CVSK has managed to engineer microbial probiotic compost activator which was then branded Green Phoskko  ® , bulking material and machine tool-scale composter Bioposko ® household and the business commercial scale. This composter is very useful for gardening pehobies in making compost with the use of household waste materials. In fact, for towns that are having problems with landfill and waste management such as Bandung, Jakarta, Bogor and other metropolitan cities-composter BioPhosko ® will help reduce solid waste from waste generating sources ie families, restaurants and hotels. Now also available Rotary Kiln machine tool with the capability to process waste from 60 liters capacity until the capacity of 6 m3 per unit/ batch. The use of organic compost on the garden as a demonstration plot can also be seen in the garden and Vanilla clove in Salo Kecce Bone South Sulawesi.
In the category of complete compound fertilizer tablets ( PMLT) , Sinar Kencana in Indonesia is a pioneer in formulating a complete fertilizer containing Gramalet ® . Fertilizers produced and formulated fertilizer tablets are shaped with a wide range of fertilizers ie fertilizer tablet size 3 grams of fertilizer tablets, fertilizer tablets 5 grams, and 10 grams of fertilizer tablets. Each fertilizer tablets consisting of primary macro content of NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) , secondary macro-enriched fertilizer elements ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential include copper, Chlor, manganese, zinc, boron, molybdenum, iron ( Mo, Co , Mn, Fe, B, Bo, Cu, Zn, Cl) .
By completeness of nutrients in fertilizer formulations Gramalet, users either in the form of fertilizers among farmers, plantation workers, businessmen and entrepreneurs agribusiness plantations no longer difficult to find different sources of fertilizer nutrients on the market - which is often not always available on time, and besides that do not need to mixing and pengoplosan various fertilizers. Fertilizer formulations Gramalet  ® ensures the completeness, at least 13 required plant nutrients available in each tablet fertilizer, which is so because it does not require any additional elements other fertilizers - including in this case Urea ( N) , Phosphorus fertilizer ( SP) and Potassium fertilizer ( KCL) .
Viewed from the experience of recent years, Indonesia is often experienced shortages of fertilizer ( urea) , Gramalet  ® responded to the problem by giving a guarantee to always provide all the needs of fertilizer elements for a request. With technology and the production of fertilizer formulations Gramalet  ® , the dose equivalence of various crops in general, only 35% compared to the single-Urea fertilizer mixture, SP and KCL as recommended.
___________________________________________________Thus the presence of Gramalet  ® fertilizers are expected to assist in solving the problem of the possibility of an imbalance of supply and demand conditions of a single fertilizer future, either due to problem gas raw materials, dependence on imported fertilizers and inhibition of fertilizer producing plant capacity expansion in Indonesia ( urea) .
Gramalet  ® fertilizer use by small-scale farmers, planters and various government projects - which have widened in the last 10 years ( since the product launched in 1994) - has added confidence in fertilizer formulations handalnya Gramalet  ® and is expected to contribute to bring substantial benefits to the interests of farmers, plantation workers and entrepreneurs and agriculture in general.
Report of the planters in Sulawesi cocoa and cashew, oil palm in North Sumatra, Aceh, Riau, Lampung and West Sumatra and the related statements of rice farmers and horticulture ( vegetables and fruits) in West Java in general expressed Gramalet fertilizer has given the ease with them. Fertilizer Gramalet practical in application, reduce storage and transportation costs but, on the other hand, fertilizer Gramalet  ® equipment to increase productivity and quality results are satisfactory. Perception users will be practical and easy fertilizing with manure Gramalet  ® , making our motto is " Cultivating Plant So Easy " proved to be true.
Technology composting ( composting technology) is becoming very important, especially to overcome the problems of garbage and waste ( organic) - especially in urban areas, such as to overcome the problem of trash in commercial areas ( residential areas, malls, hotels, industrial estates, factories, etc.) , garbage and waste problems in the social area ( schools, hospitals, places of worship, etc.) as well as problems arising from the existence of organic waste ( food and beverage industry, as well as agricultural waste, sewage farms and plantations) to build installations as well as home composting ( compost house .) As known, garbage and waste at least consist of two types, namely organic and inorganic. The average percentage of organic materials, in developing countries and agricultural society - such as cities in Indonesia, reaching 70% to 80% , so therefore composting ( composting) is a suitable alternative waste management for general city in Indonesia. Compost has the potential to be developed considering the increasingly high number of organic waste dumped in landfills causes pollution and odor and release of methane ( CH4) into the air.
Compost, as a result of processing waste and organic waste, a big benefit for the effort to improve soil structure by increasing soil organic matter content and will enhance the ability of soil to maintain soil water content. Microbial activity in soil that are beneficial to plants will increase with the addition of compost. Microbial activity helps plants to absorb nutrients from the soil. Soil microbial activity are also known to help plants deal with disease. Plants are fertilized with compost also tend to be better quality than plants fertilized with chemical fertilizers, eg more resistant crops stored, heavier, fresher, and more comfortable.
Makassar, July 2009
Sonson Garsoni, IR
+ 62- 8157252 7115