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Shanggrila Garden Blk A1/64 Sekupang
Batam 29424, Kepulauan Riau

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Acting as product marketing CVSK) , we are committed to providing support for the city of Batam and the Riau Islands generally-known as the trade gateway to the peninsula ( Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Singapore) . Our working area covers Batam, Tanjungpinang, Tanjung Balai and Karimun in Riau Islands. With a range of marketing includes the city of Batam and other cities as the Riau Islands ( Riau Islands) , we aim for a variety of environmentally friendly products to benefit the environment changes Batam and Riau Islands to be always green, clean and healthy with a number of attempts of processing waste and composting ( composting) .

In the category of industrial production and compost, compost activator CVSK to engineer microbes Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) as well as material bulking agent ( organic agent) Green Phoskko ® ( GP-2) following Biophosko ® composter machine tools for the household scale. And, based on long experience since 2005 in the provision of waste composter machine tool if the individual or household scale of that, managed well in the engineering machine tool if the garbage so the compost for the scale or scale commercial business environment, the Rotary Kiln. Household composter is very beneficial for the hobbies gardening, housekeeping and other small-scale waste producers; temporary, employers compost, garden owners, housing developers, market managers, entrepreneurs farms, factories and other circles who care about the environment could use a larger capacity or composter type Rotary Kiln. In fact, for the cities that have problems with waste disposal ( landfill difficulty of finding viable social, environmental and economic) or still have problems in waste handling, Rotary Kiln Biophosko ® can reduce ( reduce) waste from the location of waste generated which include the family ( housing, apartments) , restaurants, hotels, markets, commercial areas ( shopping malls, factories, industrial zones) as well as social areas ( schools, hospitals, religious facilities, etc.) . Today, Rotary Klin machine tool technology has the ability to process organic waste into compost with a choice of capacities from 1 m3 / 5 days, 3 m3 equivalent weight of 1 ton / 5 days to a capacity of 2 tons or the equivalent of 6 m3 / Unit Machine / 5 days.

We will support the activities of waste processing and composting in various Districts - which now consists of 12 Districts as Batam. We realize that cleanliness Batam will certainly invite the tourists from the peninsula ( Malaysia, Singapore) as well as from various City of Indonesia will visit again Batam and the estuary will drive the overall economy. With that we are working to introduce technology to the community composting organic waste Batam and Riau Islands - with one of them involved as well as reduce the impact of global warming ( global warming) and the jealous green.

In the category Complete Compound Fertilizer Controlled Release Tablets ( PMLT) , CVSK is one of the pioneers in Indonesia in formulating fertilizer contain complete with flexible formulas, tablets Gramalet ® . Fertilizer-produced and formulated it - in the form of tablets, with a choice of tablet size is 3 grams and 10 grams. Each fertilizer tablets consist of macro nutrient content of NPK ( Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) , secondary nutrient enriched fertilizer elements ( Mg, S, Ca) and micro essential include copper ( Co) , Chlorine ( Cl) , manganese ( Mn) , zinc ( Zn) , boron ( B) , molybdenum ( Mo) , iron ( Fe) . Micro elements ( Mo, Co, Mn, Fe, B, Bo, Cu, Zn, Cl) , including Borat known to be very useful to improve our level of fertility of agricultural land that has long been only given primary macro nutrient intake ( NPK) and a few secondary macro nutrient ( Mg, S, Ca) .

With the completion of nutrients in each fertilizer Gramalet, users - both among farmers, planters, businessmen and entrepreneurs agribusiness plantations no longer have any trouble finding a variety of single-source of fertilizer nutrients on the market. As known, a single fertilizer - often are not always available on time in unison and besides that it does not need to mixing and again pengoplosan variety of fertilizers. Fertilizer formulations Gramalet  ® guarantee completeness, at least 13 required plant nutrients available in each tablet; So, with that, when the application Gramalet  ® does not require any additional other nutrients - including in this case urea ( N) , phosphorus fertilizer ( SP ) and potassium fertilizer ( KCl) .

Judging from the experience of recent years, Indonesia has often experienced shortages of fertilizer ( urea) , Gramalet ® responded to the problem by providing guarantees to provide all required nutrients in each tablet. With technology and the production of Gramalet  ® , the dose of fertilizer at the plant in general only 35% compared to single-dose mixture of fertilizer ( Urea, SP and KCL) as recommended related Crops Research Institute. Thus the presence of Gramalet ® is expected to assist in solving the problem of the possibility of an imbalance of supply and demand conditions of a single fertilizer in the future, either due to problem gas raw materials, dependence on fertilizer imports and hamper the expansion of plant capacity Indonesian fertilizer ( urea) .

Gramalet  ® fertilizer use by small-scale farmers, planters and various government projects - which had expanded in the last 10 years ( since the product launched in 1994) - has added confidence handalnya Gramalet ® fertilizer formulations and are expected to participate bring substantial benefits to the interests farmers, planters and businessmen as well as agriculture in general. Report user of cocoa and cashew planters in Sulawesi, oil palm in North Sumatra, Aceh, Riau, Lampung and West Sumatra as well as reports of rice farmers and horticulture ( vegetables and fruits) in West Java, and even users on fruit crops and timber in New Zealand , generally expressed Gramalet fertilizer has given the ease with them. Fertilizer Gramalet practical application, reduce storage and transport costs but, on the other hand, fertilizer Gramalet  ® while improving productivity and quality results are satisfactory. Perception users will be practical and easy fertilizing with manure Gramalet  ® , making our motto is " Fertilizing Made easy" proved to be true.

Batam, August 2010


Sonson Garsoni, IR
+ 62-81572527115
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