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Watukali Capita Ciptama,  Pt.
Watukali Capita Ciptama, Pt.
``MATOS \'The Real Soil Stabilizer\' - H Y D R A Q``
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Watukali Capita Ciptama, PT. is a company that moved in construction and renovation of buildings, roads, infrastructure and others. The company also provides consulting services to the construction field. In addition to the above we are also on the quality of the developer.

Watukali Corporation is also developing products of our own discovery that we are ready to throw the market. And we have a trading division of coal with the support of one of the companies big enough in South Kalimantan.

Watukali Capita Ciptama, PT. moving in the field of contracting consultant developer. Our company is ready to serve market demand in terms of building facilities building, housing, street violence and other civil services. With experience and professional staff, we try to provide the best for you.

With the spirit and the forging of time, finally we are able to prove that we become worthy partners profesional. All documentation supporting the activities that have been prepared with cooked to provide the next maximum. Watukali will still provide maximum service, either in fulfillment of the party and the low scale. Claim that the more complex the market lead us to step further in the development of this field. Technology and the latest findings have been applied in our system. This is of course to be superior in terms of service.