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UD Trisukses

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UD Trisukses
UD Trisukses
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mr. Taufan Nugroharjo [Marketing]
E-mail:Send Message
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Y!: trisukses888 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mr. Taufan Nugroharjo at Surabaya
Phone Number:Phone number of Mr. Taufan Nugroharjo at Surabaya
Address:Simo-sidomulyo 7 / 4-A
Surabaya 60252, Jawa Timur
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Registration Date:May. 24, 2023
Last Updated:Jan. 15, 2009
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Industrial Supplies category

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Company Brief

pabrik plastik, produksi plastik, plastic manufacturer, distributor plastik, supplier plastik pp, pe, hd, opp, talirafia, sarungtangan, polybag, polibag bibit hitam, di wilayah surabaya, jakarta, bandung, semarang, cirebon, kalimantan, pontianak, banjarmasin, ambon, maluku, flores, kupang, banyuwangi, jawa timur dengan kualitas dan harga bersaing.

Plastic' s Brand : Gajah, Tawon, Rajawali, Djarum, Bless, Klip Plastik, Matahari, Naga.
Packing Tape Brand : Gold Fox, SKS, Uchiwa, Original Nashua, Original Sekisui, Fuku, Golden, Daimaru.

Products :
All size for Plastic, PP Plastic, PE Plastic, HD Plastic, PVC Shrink, PE Shrink, Stretch Film, Polybag bibit/ Polibag bibit, Aluminium Foil Atap, Pallet, Packaging Tape ( Lak Ban) Coklat/ Bening , Masking Tape( Isolasi Kertas) , Double Tape, Cloth/ Linen Tape ( Isolasi Jilid) , Ban Plat, Strapping Band, Plastik Sampah, Plastik Gula/ Roll/ Cor Bangunan ( PP/ PE) , Kantong Plastik ( Kresek) , Glangsing, Tali Rafia, Tali Nylon, Tali Tampar, Terpal ( A3, A2, dst) , Plastik Opp lem ( Plastik cd/ dvd) , Plastik Klip ( acar/ lombok/ obat) , Mesin Las, Mesin Strapping Band, Mesin Banplat, Mesin PVC Shrink, Mesin PE Shrink

Sablon / Printing Mesin / Manual min + - 50.000 pcs / biji / lembar.


Promo :
Item Ukuran ( asli) Harga ( Rp.) Min Qty Packing
Polybag hitam bibit 6cm-30cm 13.700/ kg ( CALL ) 500kg bal
Stretchfilm 13cmx300m 18.000/ rol 5 dos -
Stretchfilm 50cmx170m 35.000/ rol 5 dos 1dos= 6rol
Stretchfilm 50cmx200m 40.000/ rol 5 dos 1dos= 6rol
Stretchfilm 50cmx250m 51.000/ rol 5 dos 1dos= 6rol
Stretchfilm 50cmx300m 60.500/ rol 5 dos 1dos= 6rol
Aluminium Foil Atap ( Heat Repellant) 1mmx1mx100 3800/ m 5 rol 1rol= 100m
Polycell ( Plastik Gelembung2) 125cmx50m 125.000/ rol 10 rol -

-- We grow by customers' s love --

Contact Person :
Taufan Nugroharjo ( + 62-31-70606170 / 081-23287767)

price and info please email : trisukses888@ yahoo.com

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