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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting

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PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting
PSB ( PLASMA SUPER BIOTIK) - CV. Plasmatech Consulting

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  • 1. PSB Plus khusus untuk mengobati berbagai penyakit yang diderita oleh manusia,  Diabetes,  kolesterol,  ginjal,  rematik,  kanker,  typus,  diare,  asam urat,  hepatitis,  sembelit,  asma,  alergi,  batuk,  demam,  stroke,  maag,  sakit gigi,  sariawan,  ambeien,  dll.

    1. PSB Plus khusus....

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    PSB ( Plasma Super biotic) Plus is processed with the technology extration fermented plants, contained different types of microbes with special nutrients ( non-synthetic) serves....

  • 3. PSB Farm,  khusus untuk hewan peliharaan,  ternak sapi,  burung,  domba,  kambing,  ayam,  itik,  ikan,  dan lain-lain. Membantu pertumbuhan,  mengobati berbagai penyakit yang diderita ternak,  menghambat pertumbuhan virus,  bakteri dan jamur negatif pada ternak.

    3. PSB Farm, khusus....

    for agen and distributor on call / PM

    PSB Farm is another product of the PSB, which is produced specifically for livestock. PSB is working for farm livestock, particularly diseases that attack livestock. The key to....

  • 2.	 PSB Green khusus untuk tanaman musiman misalnya,  padi,  cabai,  tomat,  sayur- sayuran,  juga tanaman tahunan misalnya karet,  sawit,  ,  mangga,  cengkeh,  jati,  kelengkeng,  durian,  rambutan,  sengon,  dan lain-lain. Membantu pertumbuhan,  penguatan akar,  dll

    2. PSB Green khusus....

    for distributor on call / pm

    PSB PSB Green is a product manufactured specifically for seasonal and annual plants are very suitable for agriculture, especially rice, corn, cassava, peppers, tomatoes, onions, ....

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