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Alat Laboratorium,  Alat Testing,  Alat Lab ( HP 0815 9935009) www.alatlabs.com,  e-mail : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com

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Drager Draeger Alcotest 6510,  Breath Alcohol Tester
Drager Draeger Alcotest 6510, Breath Alcohol Tester
Principle of Measurement : Electrochemical
Measuring Range : 0 to 0.500% BAC
Accuracy : Â ± 0.005%
Sampling : End of....
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  HP 0815 9935009,  0813 83 190190,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  www.alat-teknik.com
Ultrasonic Flaw Detector : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com, HP 0815 9935009, 0813 83 190190......
Tenda Terpal www.tendaterpal.com,  Tent,  Tenda,  Tenda keluarga,  Tenda Pengungsi,  Tenda Pleton,  Tenda Regu dll HP 0815 9935009,  0813 83 190 190
Tenda, Tenda keluarga, Tenda Pengungsi, Tenda Pleton, Tenda Regu, Tenda Pengungsi, Terpal, Terpauline, Kelambu Malaria, Malaria Net, Tenda Promosi, dll HP 0815 9935009, 0813 83....
Breath Alcohol Tester,  Draeger Alcotest 3000,  Drager : Contact : www.karyamitra.co.id email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com HP 081387587112
Breath Alcohol Tester, Draeger Alcotest 3000

Principle of Measurement : Electrochemical
Measuring Range : 0 to 5â € °
Sampling : sandard when minimum volume is reached
Solder,  soldering equipment,  goot,  ( HP 0815 9935009) ,  PID control type soldering station,  temperature controlled soldering station,  lead free soldering station,  output controllers,  soldering controllers,  mini station,  temperature controlled soldering ir
Solder, soldering equipment, goot, ( HP 0815 9935009) , PID control type soldering station, temperature controlled soldering station, lead free soldering station, output....
High Volume Air Sampler,  Air Sampling Pump,  Low Volume Air Sampler,  Personnal Air Sampler,  Bactery Air Sampler,  staplex,  gilian,  skc,  etc : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
Staplex Air Samplers product :

A complete line of Air Sampler pumps for airborne particulates
Select product group or Model for photo and detailed specifications.

1. TFIA....
Lux Meter,  Light Meter,  Light Intensity,  Illuminace Meter,  : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.alat-teknik.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
Lux Meter, Light Meter, Light Intensity, Illuminace Meter, : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
A. DIGITAL LUX METER : 50, 000 Lux
Alat ukur intensitas cahaya
Display ....
Delmhorst Didital Soil Moisture Meter,  with gypsum block :
Digital Soil Moisture Tester

Features reliable temperature stable semiconductor technology with calibration checks.
Operates on one 9V battery ( included) .
Gypsum blocks are....
Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter ( CI-203) CID
Handheld Laser Leaf Area Meter ( CI-203) CID

The new CI-203 Handheld Laser Area Meter uses advanced laser technology to enable researchers a precise and convenient way to....
Pasco Indonesia,  Klinger Eductional,  Pasco Scientific,  Merlan Scientific,  Leybold,  Educational and Vocational Training Kit,  Alat Peraga HP 0815 9935009,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com,  www.alat-teknik.com,  www.karyamitra.co.id
Pasco Indonesia, Klinger Eductional, Pasco Scientific, Merlan Scientific, Leybold, Educational and Vocational Training Kit, Alat Peraga HP 0815 9935009, Email : karyamitrausaha@ ....
Infrared Thermometer : -50º C to 1,  250º C,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Temperature Range-50Â º C to 1, 250Â º C

Accuracy  ± 2% or  ± 2 º C
Distance Spot Ratio 30 : 1
Emissivity 0.10~ 1.00 adjustable
Resolution 0.1Â º C for 1, 000Â º C .
Infrared Thermometer : -18º C to 1,  500º C ,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  email : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Infrared Thermometer

Range : -18Â º C to 1, 500Â º C

Accuracy  ± 2% or  ± 2 º C
Distance Spot Ratio 30 : 1
Emissivity 0.10~ 1.00 adjustable
Resolution 0.1Â º C for 1, 000Â º ....
Antenna Testing,  Antenna Isolation Testing,  Cable Fault Locating,  Cable Impedance Testing,  Cable Measuring,  Circuit Analysis,  Circuit Gain/ Loss,  MRI Coil Testing,  Network Analysis,  Power Meter Reading,  Spectrum Analysis,  Vector Impedance Analysis,  NMR Co
Vector Impedance Analyzer: VIA Echo 4.0 MHz to 1.0 GHz & 4.0 MHz to 2.5 GHz
Time Domain Reflectometer ( TDR) : 20/ 20 TDR 0-6, 600ft ( 2010m) @ VoP = .66c
Vector Impedance....
Thermo-hygrograph,  barograph,  barometer,  altimeter,  thermograph,  pressure recorder,  temperature recorder,  humidity recorder,  www.karyamitra.co.id,  www.alat-teknik.com
Thermo-hygrograph, TS 707, Blue Gizmo, AOIP, Cal Controls, Chauvin Arnoux, Comark, Consens, Davis, Dickson, Dynasonics, Ecom, General Electric GE, Huba Control, Isotek, Isuzu, ....
Kyoritsu ( HP 0815 9935009) ,  multimeter,  clamp meter,  current tester,  multi-trans,  energizer,  insulation/ continuity,  tester,  earth tester,  loop psc rcd,  multi function,  appliance,  power meter recorders,  megger,  etc
Kyoritsu, Analogue multimeter 1106, 1108, 1109, 1110, Digital Multimeter 1008, 1009, 1017, 1017H, Kew Mate 2000, 2001, Analogue Clamp Meters 2608A, 205, Digital Clamp Meters....
Fillrite Flowmeter,  Tuthill Flowmeter,  Mechanical High Flow Flowmeter : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Fillrite Flowmeter, Tuthill Flowmeter, Mechanical High Flow Flowmeter : karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Fuel Flowmeter
Capacity : 23-151 LPM
Large easy to read number
quick reset....
Digital Force Gauge,  Universal Testing Machine,  Testing Machine for Rubber,  Tires,  Testing Machine for Footwear,  Leathers,  Testing Machine for Plastic,  Adhesive,  Testing Machine for Paper,  Cardboard,  Rubber Hardness Tester : info@ karyamitra.co.id
Digital Force Gauge, Universal Testing Machine, Testing Machine for Rubber, Tires, Testing Machine for Footwear, Leathers, Testing Machine for Plastic, Adhesive, Testing Machine....
Tachometer,  Contact,  Photo and Non Contact ( HP ) 815 9935009) ,  Photo,  email : info@ karyamitra.co.id,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com

- Measuring Range :
a. Photo 2, 5 to 99, 999 rpm
b. Contact Tachometer: 0.5 to 19, 999 rpm
c. Surface....
Penakar Hujan,  OBS Rain Gauge : HP 0815 9935009,  karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Penakar Hujan, OBS Rain Gauge : HP 0815 9935009, karyamitrausaha@ yahoo.com
Bucket type 100 cm2 mouth area, made of metal sheet, supplied complete with....
Spectrophotometer,  Merck,  Hatch,  Optima,  Labomed,  Thermo,  Labomed,  Genesys,  Jenway,  Spectronic,  Odyssey DR-2500,  20D+ ,  Genesys 20,  Genesys 10UV,  Genesys 10UV,  www.alatlaboratoriums.com
Spectrophotometer, Merck, Hatch, Labomed, Genesys, Jenway, Spectronic, Odyssey DR-2500, DR 2800, 20D+ , Genesys 20, Genesys 10UV, Genesys 10UV, Optima.
Contact :
Telp 0815....
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