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RIZQIYA BORDIR-Mukena-Busana Haji-Pakaian Bordir, Kerudung bordir, busana bordir, Baju Bordir, kain bordir, kerajinan bordir Jepara

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RIZQIYA BORDIR-Mukena-Busana Haji-Pakaian Bordir, Kerudung bordir, busana bordir, Baju Bordir, kain bordir, kerajinan bordir Jepara
Company Profile
Company Contact
Name:Mrs. Luthfia [Owner/Entrepreneur]
Instant Messaging:
Y!: cutefaza@ymail.com 
Mobile Number:Mobile number of Mrs. Luthfia at Jepara
Phone Number:Phone number of Mrs. Luthfia at Jepara
Address:Jl. Pakisaji Gg. Perintis RT.02/02 Potroyudan
Jepara 59412, Jawa Tengah
Bordir, Bordir kain, Kerajinan bordir, bordir mesin, bordir tangan, seni bordir, baju bordir, pakaian wanita bordir, pakaian lelaki bordir, bordi warna, bordir topi, bordir celana, brodir mantab, bordir legan, bordir kaki, bordir kerudung, brodir sabuk, b
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Registration Date:Feb. 14, 2010
Last Updated:Aug. 2, 2011
Business Nature:Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Gifts & Crafts category

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Company Brief

Rizqiya Embroidery is the art of embroidery craft companies.

Rizqiya Embroideris ready to accept a variety of manufacturing services embroidery products for your business needs,
Our field of embroidered fabric, embroidered with the artists,
so you can more easily promote your embroidery business ..
or just for your needs personally.

Our team is ready to work & make appropriate design
with your requests and desires.

We accept all types of embroidery, such as:

* A variety of Muslim dress, veil,
* Embroidery fabric
* Polo shirts
* Embroidery Design Hat
* Embroidery Design Bags
* Embroidery Design Jacket
* Uniform offices / factories & embroidery services received.

We are ready to help you get ...
Simply call us, and we are ready to tackle
Embroidery variety you want a Professional.

Call :

Rumah/ Kantor : 0291 594014
Handphone : 085 290 478 585 - 085 292 347 500

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