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    Roadshow Bumi Pertiwi Berbekam & Konsultasi Kesehatan

    Roadshow Bumi Pertiwi Berbekam & Konsultasi Kesehatan

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    Road Show of Mother Earth berbekam

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    Herbal Health Rubric

    Best Chemical-Free Solution

    In foster care by dr. Herb. Muh. Widi & Teams U.S. Roemah Herbal Blessings

    Find a cure for your illness from something that is lawful and thoyyib

    Cupping - Gurah - Kiropraksi - Acupressure - Reflexology - SEFT - Herbal - Qolbu - Honey

    Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, thank God began this edition Roemah team Herbal Blessings cooperation with the tabloid Silk Herbal Health Serpong open Rubric the reader closer to the goals and provide solutions to more healthy and fit in carrying out all activities. The team consists of dr. herb. Muh. U.S. Widi, drs. H. Sugianto Crow W, Anindito, SH, Abd. Bashir, S. PDI, feat. R. At-Tamimy Adry Sahlan, feat. Drs. Moh. Salah, Lc, feat. Gusyana Tesada, feat. Quthub, Lia SH, S. PDI, Siti Masfiah, Nurrohman ( Representative Chester) , Linna ( Representative Bogor) , Nining ( West Jakarta Representative) , Zaki Fansurya ( Representative Padang) , Hj. Enny Harjanti ( Representative Tasikmalaya) , and Anwar Usman ( Representative Makassar) . Hopefully we are helping to solve your health problem that is still jammed. For inquiries can be directly sent to the Editor Silk Serpong or via email: klinikberkah@ gmail.com 083 870 696 568 or SMS Centre.

    We invite vendors, malls, offices, schools / colleges, or other institutions to cooperate in the program berbekam Mother Earth as part of CSR to help people, especially in the field of Health. Program information please call 02198509840.

    Caution Risk of Diabetes Sinetron Enthusiasts!

    For hours watching soap operas? ah it was normal. When more relaxed at home, or come home tired after work, then watching soap operas are the most enjoyable free entertainment. Eit! but make no mistake, watching soap operas turned out for too long can cause disease. What is it?
    A study in the land of Uncle Sam concluded, people who spend long hours in front of the television have a greater risk of dying or developing diabetes and heart disease. Oops! Even the effect was more obvious for people who watch television two hours a day.

    Every day, U.S. residents spent an average of 5 hours of watching television, while the Australians and some Europeans 3.5 to 4 hours a day. That figure is presented the study leader Frank Hu of the School of Public Health, Harvard University.

    " The message is simple. Reduce time watching TV is an important way to reduce sedentary habits, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease, " said Hu was quoted as saying by Reuters.

    Linger in front of the TV does not only cause us to be a lack of exercise, but also tend to eat unhealthy foods. " The combination of sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and obesity created a ' perfect breeding area for type 2 diabetes and heart disease." Hu explained.

    For the purposes of this study, Hu and his team reviewed the eight studies that examined the association between time watching television and disease. The study, published in " Journal of the American Medical Association" that join more than 200, 000 people, within a period of 7 to 10 years.

    Hu and his colleagues found that for every two hours a day watching television, the risk of diabetes increased 20 percent, while the risk of heart disease rose 15 percent. Every two hours watching television per day increased the risk of death by 13 percent.

    Based on these results, Hu and his team estimate that among a group of 100, 000 people, reducing the time to watch television everyday for 2 hours could prevent 176 new cases of diabetes, 38 cases of fatal cardiovascular disease, and 104 premature deaths every year.

    All research in the analysis was to ensure that participants do not have a chronic illness, because people are generally less well may be more inclined to watch television for hours and suffer from diabetes, heart disease or premature death.

    However, Hu and his team warned that the possibility of some form of disease was traced to the beginning of the study may influence the findings. The study could not prove that watching TV alone increased the risk of disease, but it also can not recognize how watching TV can have an influence.

    " That' s true when people watch TV that much different from those watching in less time, especially in terms of diet and physical activity level, " Hu said.

    He added that many people who watch television are more likely to eat unhygienic food. However, unhealthy diet and laziness is also a result of prolonged television watching. So the research that some adverse effects of the habit of sitting for hours.

    The same study also found that children who are overweight due to eating more after watching food advertisements. Well for soap opera fans beware! ( Reuters / IDI)

    Drinking herbal medicine + chemistry?

    Assalaamu' alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
    Is it permissible for taking medicine from a doctor of herbal medicine also habbatussaudah? If may be how? If by any doctor in the diagnosis of lung spots, and then required to take medication for 6 months, I did not dare leave the chemical drugs, but I want to speed up the healing with medicinal herbs. What should I do? Thank you,


    Ahmad - Tangerang


    Wa' alaikumsalam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,

    A person who is suffering from lung spots, and then get a chemical treatment for 6 months can consume herbal extract, we even recommend other than herbal extract honey is also healthy and imunocaps to increase body resistance to TB disease soon cured. Way of taking the drug should be administered at least 1 hour lag time between consumption of the herbal medicinal chemistry, and should be accompanied by enough to drink ( a minimum of 2.5 liters per day) .

    Our partners: Tabloid Sutera Serpong, Entrepreneur Magazine Muslim, PPWI, MT. Syajaroh Thoyyibah, KPMI, Community Muallaf, Arimathea, Health Clinic, Al Shifa Clinic, Da' i Centre, SD PB II, Nurul Amal, Asmaul Nur Husna, Ninik Salon, Fatahillah, early childhood Tunas Hope, BTN, BRI Syariah, KKI, Berkah Celluler, Berkah Aqiqah, and HPA.

    Special handling Obesity, Lupus, DM / Blood Sugar, cyst / cancer, eye minus / plus / cataract / cylindrical, Anxious / Indecisive, impotence, kidney, heart, yet can be hereditary, and Ambein / Hemorrhoids
    Disburses funds to your Alms Infaq and health programs dhu' afa to Bank Syariah Mandiri No. Rek.. 0747044387 a.n. Agung Sedayu W QQ Majelis Sufi and Bank Rakyat Indonesia Sharia No. Rek. 1004137309 a.n. Komunitas Muallaf.
    Contact info 02198509840

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