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Mr. B Hasibuan [Marketing]


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Jl. Kampung Baru Perumahan Wira Asri Blok II No 7 Rantau Prapat
Labuan Batu 21411, Sumatera Utara

Kantor Pusat Jl Pungkur No 115 Bandung, T.Kontak 022 4262253, HP. 0811208648- 81572527115
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Konsorsium Bakteri Pengurai Sampah Organik [ GP-1][Nov. 9, 2010 19:31:38]
PriceRp 550.000,- Per Karton 20 Pack
Quantity Order:
Payment MethodCashier Order
Quantity@ 250 gr Per Pack
Pack. & DeliveryPlastic PE
Bacteria Decomposers microbial Organic Waste Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] are packed in cartons and plastic PVC PE ( @ 0, 25 kg / Pack) is pre-eminent microbe consortium ( bacterium aktinomycetes aktinomyces-species naeslundii, Lactobacillus delbrueckii species , Bacillus Brevis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, yeast, and fungi and Cellulolytic Bacillus Sp, aktinomycetes bacteria, yeasts, and fungi) decomposition of organic material ( municipal waste, agricultural waste, animal husbandry, waste ponds and others) decomposition of organic material ( municipal waste, agriculture, livestock, fecal decomposition in septic tanks, waste decomposers feed in the ponds and pools and others) . Useful to accelerate the decomposition process, deodorize and suppress the growth of microbial pathogens.
1. 1 ( one) kg Green Phoskko ® ( GP-1) decomposition of organic material ( municipal waste, agriculture, livestock and others) can be used for a pile of garbage and solid waste ( solid waste) of about 3-6 m3,
2. Dissolve or mix 1 kg Green Phoskko ® Activator in 10-40 liters of water, then stir until evenly ( if available add 1 kg of rice bran and 100-200 grams sugar, 100 grams of urea and stir until evenly distributed.)
3. Let stand about 2-4 hours, during which time did the stirring 2-3 times,
4. Pour the solution on the garbage heap evenly. When the humidity is less trash, pour little by little ( splash) into a pile of organic waste with water until it reaches the humidity around 60-65% ,
5. Keep in aerobic composting process, by regulating the circulation of air or oxygen supply through paralon or bamboo pipe ( diameter about 7, 5 cm - 10 cm and provided with holes with a diameter of 1 cm in the form of a spiral) , inserted into the stack with a distance of approximately 25-50 cm.
6. Cover waste piles with tarps or plastic to reduce evaporation and maintain temperature of 60-65 ° C for 2-3 days. Next do the reversal ( 5-7 days) and set rubbish piles humidity by adding water until the humidity around 60-65% ( if needed in the second inversion using Green Phoskko ® Activator back) .
7. The process of decomposition on traditional techniques open plot ( open Windrow) can be done about 2-5 weeks
Holders of policies and projects relating to the cleanliness of the city to consider using this activator in a way to do it in the garbage city centers ( markets, housing, farms and other centers) . Without having to re-motivated sales results composting process ( non-commercial) , if any waste is decomposed it does not smell, various groups will be picked for use amilioran / loose soil ( do packing and repacking for sale as well as housewives for ornamental plants and flowers in yard) .
Use of waste reduction efforts in the toilet and septic tanks, dissolving Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] for every 1 Pack @ 250 grams for 1 m3 of waste. Useful as a toilet drain without suction, overcome the septic-tank full and smelly, add and enable the microorganisms in septictank thus speeding up the process of decomposition of human feces / stool into organic acids and carbon dioxide gas ( CO2) and water ( H2O) .

The consortium is also able to break down bacteria in the septic-tank stool ( remove the smell) , opens the pores of the soil which is covered by the stool so that water can soak into the soil, maintain the quality of ABT ( Underground Water) because that is later absorbed by the soil-free water from the content of harmful bacteria ( pathogens) .
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Besides applications in the decomposition of waste and organic waste, activators Green Phoskko ® [ GP-1] are also helpful in maintaining sanitary pool and pond. Use on fish business in the pool and pond, sanitation efforts and growth of plankton as feed material, done with cleaning the water through decomposition by microbes are decomposers. Dissolve 2 to 3 packs for the purposes of 1 Ha, dissolved in 10 liters of water and then input into a pool or pond. Cleanup of waste carried out every 3 months depending on water conditions and levels of contaminant inputs and farm ponds.
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