Registration Date: Jan. 22, 2010Last Updated: Feb. 13, 2012
Business Nature: Manufacturing, Trade, Service of Gifts & Crafts category
Company Brief
" Advertising in door & out door"" ABRAR ADVERTISING" receive orders as follows :
- Plaquet, Resin/ Fibreglass/ Acrylik/ Laser/ Logam.
- Digital Printing/ Baleho / Spanduk/ Acrylic.
- Trophy, Award.
- Stainless Steel letter
- Acrylic Display.
- Anodize.
- Billboard.
- Neon Box.
- Neon Sign.....
- Promotion materials.....
- PATUNG WISUDA..............
Abrar ADVERTISING directly produce various models plaque, Cup, Trophy, Award, Medal, Award, Gift, Souvenir, Souvenir, souvenirs, pins etc from resin, acrylic, materials, brass and tin.
We also can accept order model / shape as you want.
If you are interested please contact us. ( Quality is our main capital) .................
Telephone : 0856 1035 496.
Pin : 277C2CD0
faks : 021 - 4211 220.
HP : 0856 1035 496.
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