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SunSet SDH
PriceUtex K.A 081905471152
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SDH, PDH, T-carrier, Jitter, Wander, Pulse Mask, service verification, and ATM Testing

SDH, PDH, T-carrier, Jitter, Wander, Pulse Mask, service verification, and ATM Testing capabilities are now available in a powerful, compact, and comprehensive handheld test set - the SunSet SDH. The SDH is perfect for bringing new circuits into service and troubleshooting problems with in-service circuits in the field.

The SunSet SDH is the latest generation of access and metro network test sets from Sunrise Telecom, the industry leader in the design of handheld service verification equipment. A single package offers 2 Mbit/s to 2.5 Gbit/s testing with advanced applications for SDH networks. Along with this complete set of transmission tests come all the tools needed to verify and troubleshoot ATM, GSM, GPRS, Frame Relay, ISDN, V.5x, and Voice.

The SunSet SDH increases efficiency, consolidates training, and saves money by testing all these rates and services. Among handheld sets, only the SunSet SDH has the feature set to ensure quality connections across the entire access network and verify that the quality of network synchronization meets ITU-T standards by performing Jitter and Wander measurements.

N.B. Installation and Maintenance testing of SDH is also provided by the -38 (dash38) slide-in module for the SunSet MTT Modular Test Toolkit. See also the SunSet STT and SunSet 10G for higher rate and core/metro applications.
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