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Menjual berbagai macam alat cleaning service dan chemical cleaning service lokal maupun import di bekasi dan jakarta
Is a company that is engaged in the sale of equipment cleaning service, Sales & Spare Parts Cleaning Equipment and penjualaan ( hygiene kits tools) .
We provide products Cleaning Equipment ( equipment cleaning) that adequate and best quality which can provide maximum benefit and have a more favorable economic life of Cleaning Products Our Equipment include:
such as:
1. Equipment cleaning service.
2. Machine cleaning service.Baca Selengkapnya...r>
3. Kebersihaan tool.
4. Chemical cleaning service.
5. Jonitorial equipment.
- Scrubber drayers.
- Sweeping machine.
- Escalator Cleaner
- Machine polisher 13, 16, 17 inc
- High speed 20 inc
- Sweeper.
- Vacuum industry.
- Vacuum cleaner 10, 18, 32, 60, 90 ltr.
- Wind blower 3 speed 900W.
- Jet steam cleaner.
- Ozonation.
- Foging Machine.
Jonitorial equipment
- Dust mop freme / Freme lobby negligee, 60, 80, 90, 100, 120 cm.
- Dust mop acrylic / fabric lobby 60, 80, 90, 100, 120 cm
- Telescopic, 3 M, 4.5 M, 6M, 9 M.
- Steel Straigh squeegees / 55.75 cm floor wiper
- Stailess sponge window ( glass wiper) 25, 35, 45 cm
- Glsses water / Wasser.
- Mop holder / Penjempit mop.
- Cloth Mop.
- Aluminum mop handle.
- Grip the handle.
- Jonitor cart.
- Wet floor sign.
- Singgel bucket.
- Double bucket.
- Laoundry cart.
- Guest room.
- Air troly garbage / garbage bin 120 ltr, 240 ltr, 1000 ltr.
- Aqua green / tapas.
- Brush the floor.
- Brush toilet.
- Ball Rack
- Pad 3M, red, white, brown, black, blue.
- Mating 3M Nomad Floor, 3A.
- Foot mat fabric.
- Tissue box, tssue without bone, use of bone tissue, toilet tissue.
- Steel wool.
- Broom stick handle, broom stick without handles.
- Sweep broom nylon nylon Nagata and Nagoya.
- Sweep the fibers.
- Tudor sprayer.
- Brush your hands
- Brush long handle.
- Gloves yarn.
- Rubber gloves.
- Masks.
- Helmt project.
- Septi Balt.
- Uniform Cleaning.
- Warpark Cleaning.
- Vacuum Motor
chemical cleaning service / cleaners are in use cleaning service
- Stella hanging
- Stella phone.
- Pleage / lustres wood.
- Carpet fresh clean.
- Bayclin.
- Camphor ball.
- Colored Camphor
- Camphor hanging
- Stella hanging.
- Super Kif al ins cleaner ( cleaning brilliant)
- Baygon ( anti mosquito)
- Air freshener.
- Carbolic fragrance.
- Prostecx.
- Cleaning the floor.
- Harpic power.
- Stainless Cleaner 3M 200 g.
- Soap wash your hands ( hand shop strowbery and apple)
- Hand shop aroma therapy
- Soap dishes.
- Glass cleaner / glass cleaner.
- Floor cleaner / purifier lantailemon and Appel.
- Wax strips.
- Bowl Cleaner.
- MPC cleaner
- Silica cleaner
- Shampoo carpets.
- Shampoo sofa.
- Shampoo spring bed
- Pengkilat leather sofa
- Degreser oil.
- Oil lobby.
- Bleach.
- Soap laoundry
- New complet.
- Crystal teranova Jhonshon.
- Powder marble.
- Powder granite.
- Powder osfir ( pengkilat terrazzo)
- Autosol / cleaning Stainless.
- Langsol / cleaning Stainless.
- Powder cleaning ceramic crust.
- Anti-stoppers
- MAA to lustres terrazzo tile.
- Anti-stain.
Distributor of machinery and equipment and supplies kebersihaan cleanning service:
- Offers a variety of engine and machine tool equipment cleaning service hotel
- Offers a wide range of machinery equipment and office equipment service cleanning
- Offers a variety of equipment and machine tool factory service cleanning.
- Offers a variety of equipment and machine tool service cleanning mall.dll
- Offers a variety of equipment and machine tool service cleanning and apartment houses and restaurants
Javazindo ready to assist or provide a letter of support tenders and other administrative documents for the purposes TENDER cleaning equipment chemical cleaning and we build the brochure price list cleaning equipment chemical cleaning for maximum anda.Dalam Tender keperluaan 2x24 hours ( except holidays) IN Lampung, Palembang, Jakarta, Bekasi, Bogor, Padang, Bandung, Purwakarta, Pesawaran Lampung district, Surabaya, aceh, padang, Riau, terrain, Jambi, Bengkulu, Sumedang, solo, Madison, bogor, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, Bali, Cirebon, Ambon and etc.
We are ready to help distribute the equipment cleaning service to major cities in Indonesia such as:
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Surabaya
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in jakarta
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Bandung
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Yogya
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Bali
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service Hyderabad
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Malang
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Medan
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Pekanbaru
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Makassar
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Aberdeen
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Pontiac
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Banjarmasin
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Batam
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in palembang
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Lampung
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Samarinda
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in the Valley
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Mataram
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Manado
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Jambi
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Aceh
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Pangkalpinang
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Kupang
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Palu
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Madura
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Kendari
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Jayapura
â � ¢ Equipment cleaning service in Sorong
Javazindo pusat penjualan alat cleaning service dan chemical cleaning service lokal maupun import di jakarta dan bekasi