BRAND Bottle-top burette Titrette®[Jul. 4, 2010 22:26:58]
• High accuracy
Precise titration within the error limit of Class A for glass burettes.
• Smooth, low-force operation
For sensitive, drop-wise titration.
• Compact design
Light and stable.
• Easy Handling
No switching between ' fill' and ' titrate' .
• Simple maintenance
Cleaning and part replacement right in the lab.
• PC interface ( optional)
Data transmission directly to the PC.
• Titrette® SH
To determinate the acid content of milk and liquid dairy according to Soxhlet-Henkel.
Volume : 25 ml & 50 ml
The maximum resolution of the display:
25 ml instrument: 0.001 ml, above 20 ml titration volume 0.01 ml;
50 ml instrument: 0.002 ml, above 20 ml titration volume 0.01 ml.
Range of application
The instrument can be used for the following titration media ( maximum concentration 1 mol/ l) :
Acetic acid Nitric acid Sodium arsenite solution
Alcoholic potassium hydroxide solution Oxalic acid solution Sodium carbonate solution
Ammonium iron ( II) sulfate solution Perchloric acid Sodium chloride solution
Ammonium thiocyanate solution Potassium bromate solution Sodium hydoxide solution
Barium chloride solution Potassium bromate bromide solution Sodium nitrite solution
Bromide bromate solution Potassium dichromate solution Sodium thiosulfate solution
Cerium ( IV) sulfate solution Potassium hydroxide solution Sulfuric acid
EDTA solution Potassium iodate solution Tetra-n-butylammonium hydroxide solution
Hydrochloric acid Potassium permanganate solution Zinc sulfate solution
Iodine solution Potassium thiocyanate solution
Iron ( II) sulfate solution Silver nitrate solution