ASSEMBLAD Gas Analyzer - Infragas-309 - Motorcycles approved[Mar. 30, 2011 13:21:44]
Gas Analyzer - Infragas-309 - Motorcycles approved
Part Number: 000-001645 ( 4 gas)
Part Number: 000-001646 ( 5 gas)
Class: OIML 00 / R99 - 2008 / Comp. BAR 97
Automatic calibration / Autozero
Warm-up time: 2 minutes
Software availables under Windows
Powered from internal battery 12 Vcc
Measure range and resolution:
CO = 0 - 9, 99 Vol. % - 0, 001
CO2 = 0 - 19, 99 Vol. % - 0, 01
HC = 0 - 15.000 ppm - 1 ppm
O2 = 0 - 25 Vol.% - 0, 01
CO Corr. = 0 - 9, 99 Vol. % - 0, 001
NOx = 0 - 5.000 ppm - 1 ppm ( optional)
Lambda = 0, 5 - 2 - 0, 001
Standard optional enclosed:
Gas probe+ kit moto
Serial Port RS-232
Operating manual and Battery charger
Optional parts availables on request:
NOx sensor ( Up grade - 5° gas)
Universal RPM
Oil temperature probe