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PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment, Laboratory Chemical, Laboratory Glasswares)
PT. ANUGRAH NIAGA MANDIRI ( Specialist In General Laboratory,  Scientific Equipment,  Laboratory Chemical,  Laboratory Glasswares)

Products Gallery
PT. Anugrah Niaga Mandiri is a distributor, agent and importy chemical products, equipment or instruments and laboratory equipment in Jakarta, which was established in 1997.
With the support of some engineers who experienced, we provide installation services or training, service improvement or repair laboratory instruments, laboratory equipment, measuring instruments, and scales, scales labotarium. ( RECEIVING SERVICE REPAIR All brand names)

- FTS Systems: Precision Thermal Control System
- Chà ¢ tillon : Testing Equipment
- Shenzhen SANS Testing Machine
- IDM Instruments : Testing Instruments
- SIMAX: Laboratory Glass

- Merck: Chemicals & reagents
- Treasurer: Chemicals, reagents and Life Science
- SIGMA-Aldrich: Analytical Laboratory Chemicals and reagents
- APS formerly AJAX Chemicals: Scientific Products
- JT Baker: Chemicals
- Riedel-de Haen Chemicals
- Fluka: Chemicals
- Mallinckrodt: Chemicals

- Brookfield: viscometer / Rheometer
- RETSCH: Sample Preparation and Analyzing Equipment
- DKK. TOA: Water, Air & Gas Analyzer
- ATAGO: Refractometer, polarimeter, Salinity Meter
- AND: Balances, viscometer, Moisture Analyzer
- Extech Instruments: Environmental Instrument
- MEMMERT: Universal Oven, Incubator & Sterilizer
- G. WON: Moisture Balance, Grain Moisture Tester
- BINDER: Constant Temperature Equipment
- NIKON: Industrial Product
- Whatman: Laboratory Products
- IKA: Vortex Mixer / Orbital Shaker Dispersing Equipment
- HISAMATSU: Environment Testing Equipment
- AS-ONE: Product Lab
- Cannon Instruments
- HACH: Product for Water Analysis
- HANNA Instrument
- ACIS: Instrument
- EYELA: Product Lab
- GFL: Water Stills
- JULABO: Innovative Temperature Technology

- Iwaki: Lab / Science Product
- Corning: Glass and Equipment
- BRAND: Liquid Handling, Glassware, Plastic wares, metal wares
- CARTEL: Labware Division
- Culture flasks without rim
- Culture flasks with rim
- Bboiling wide-neck flask
- Boiling flasks narrow neck
- Boiling round bottom flask WN
- Boiling round bottom flask NN
- Boiling flasks flat 2 Neck
- Boiling flasks fb / 3 RB Neck
- Gas Sampling Tuta
- Digestion Tube
- Measuring conical flasks
- Sedimentation Core
- Kjeldahl Distillation Apparatus
- Cyanida Dictilation Set
- Amronium Distillation Set
- Measuring Cup with Handle
- Measuring Cup without Handle

CHEMICAL TOOLS that we sell well are:
- Test tube uk 12 x 75, box of 100 pcs Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Test tube 16 x 150 uk, box of 50 pcs brand Pyrex Iwaki
- Mortal + alu ( mortar) ? China marks 16 cm
- Leg three local brands
- Burning spritus / 150 cc glass Bunsen brand China
- Spatula China porcelain brands
- Glass watches 0, 8 cm brands normax
- Glass Cup Pyrex Iwaki 250 brands
- Glass Cup Pyrex Iwaki 500 brands
- 1000 ml plastic beaker brand Matkon
- Stative local brand
- Thermometer  ® C 20-110 bar brands Alla France
- Chemical heat-resistant glass 500 ml ( beaker) Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Pipette short drops, box of 20 pcs of local brands
- Pipette drops long, box of 20 pcs of local brands
- Chemical Glass 100 ml ( beaker) Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Trunk 20 cm stirrer Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Chemical Glass 50 ml ( beaker) Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Local brand wooden tube Tweezers
- Kasa asbestos 14 x 14 local brands
- Kasa asbestos 16 x 16 local brands
- Kasa asbestos 10 x 10 local brands
- Kasa asbestos 20 x 20 local brands
- PH meter mark Hana HI 9214
- Pumpkin Erienmeyer + 250 ml Pyrex brand glass stoppers Iwaki
- Chemical Glass 500 ml Pyrex brand Iwaki
- Digital Scales 200 g / 0, 1 brand hana C5200
- Chemical Glass 250 ml Pyrex brand Iwaki
- Pipette 5 ml measuring Iwaki Pyrex brand
- Cup of China' s brand of porcelain 60 cc
- Funnel 7, 5 cm Pyrex Iwaki brand
- Filter paper x 58 marks 58th Johson
- Pipette mumps / pipette volume of 5 ml Pyrex Iwaki brand
- Spray Bottle 250 cc of U.S. brand-one
- Mono burette clamps local brand
- 1000 ml Measuring cup pyrex brand Iwaki
- Pyrex Iwaki
- Laboratory Chemicals
- Laboratory Equipment
- Glassware / Glass Tools
- Atago
- Ph Meter
- Eutech
- Horiba
- Water Quality Meter
- Centrifuge
- Plastic Ware
- Memmert
- Incubator
- Barnstead
- Humidity Testing Equipment Water
- Grain Moisture Meter
- Duran
- Bunsen Burner
- Cannon Instruments
- Refractometer
- Viscometer
- Water Bath
- Whatman
- Frequently Paper Laboratory
- Sigma Aldrich
- Thermometer
- Room Temperature
- Thermo hygrometer
- Water testing Equipmeny
- Microscope
- Binders
- Thermolyne
- Ph meter
- Tissue Culture Water
- Hydrometer
- Pipette
- Moisture Balance
- Analytical Balance
- Education Lab Equipment
- Laboratory Oven
- Barometer
- Pure Water Tester
- Sound Level Meter
- Lux / Lighgt Meter
- Scientific Equipment
- Water Stiller
- WITEG : Dispenser

TOOLS OF BIOLOGY that we sell well are:
- Aquarium of local brands
- Local brand Atmometer
- China' s brand of soil capillarity Tools
- Eriemeyer 250 ml Pyrex brand Iwaki
- Chemical Glass 250 ml Pyrex brand Iwaki
- Hygrometers brand China
- Insektarium brand china
- Jala dredger china brand
- China' s brand of plankton nets
- PH Paper, pack of 10 brand Johson
- Test tube of 20 x 150 pyrex brand Iwaki
- Local brand Terrarium
- Thermometer brand agency Safelly
- Thermometer room 40 to 50 Â ® C brands Alla France
- Microscope XSP 12 brands of china
- The device brand surgical tools Yamaco
- China' s brand PULs
- Mikritom hands of local brands
- Tension meter Innova brand
- Local Mek reaction tube Tweezers
- Lighting brands spritus China
- Scales Innova brand agency
- Spirometry local brand
- A local brand of digital stopwatch
- Local brand standard Statip
- Glass objects, pack of 10 local brands
- Glass cover 20 x 20 box of 15
- China' s brand surgical board
- Automatic local brand flat
- Concave mirror local brand
- Local brand convex mirror
- Test tube small 12 x 75 Pyrex Iwaki brand
- Petri dish 80 x 15 mm brands Normax
- Scales / spring balance 5N / 10N local brand
- Scissors 14 cm brands Yamaco
- Local brand porcelain boards
- Rack test tube timber of local brands

PHYSICS TOOLS that we sell well are:
- Scales / spring balance 5N / 10N local brand
- Table balance 120 g / 0.1 Ohaus brand PS 121T
- Table balance 200 g / 0.1 brands Ohaus CS 200
- Table balance 500 g / 0.1 CL Ohaus brand 501T
- Table Balance 1100 g / 0.1 Ohaus brand YS 1101
- Scales Innova brand agency
- China' s brand of micrometer screw
- The meter roller local brand
- China' s trademark sliding Term
- A local brand of digital stopwatch
- Local brand of flat glass
- Automatic local brand flat
- Concave mirror local brand
- Local brand convex mirror
- Thermometer brand agency Safelly
- Thermometers room / max. min-40 to 50 Â ® C brands Alla france
- equipment Laboratory.

Upgrade Service & Repair, Laboratory Equipment, Laboratory Instruments, Laboratory & Weighing Scale, Universal Testing Machine

Products List: Merck, RDH, JT BAKER, OXOID Cannon Instruments, Scientific JENCONS, ETC.

Pyrex Iwaki, Bahan Kimia Laboratorium, Perlengkapan Laboratorium, Glassware/ Alat Gelas
Atago, Ph Meter, Eutech, Horiba, Water Quality Meter, Centrifuge, Plastic Ware, Memmert
Incubator, Barnstead, Alat Uji Kelembaban Air, Grain Moisture Meter, Duran, Bunsen Burner
Cannon Instruments, Refractometer, Viscometer, Water Bath, Whatman, Kertas Saring Laboratorium, Sigma aldrich, Thermometer, Temperature Ruang, Thermo hygrometer, Alat uji Kualitas Air, Mikroskop, Binder, Thermolyne, Ph meter, Tissue Culture Water, Hydrometer pipette, Moisture Balance, AND, Analytical Balance, Alat Lab Pendidikan, RDH, Oven Laboratorium, WTW, G-WON, KETT, Barometer, Pure Water Tester, Sound Level Meter, Lux / Light Meter, Scientific Equipment, Lutron, Water Stiller, Lampu alkohol, Rak Pipet, Gelas kimia plastik, Botol plastik untuk laboratorium, Botol cuci plastik, corong plastik, Cylinder plastik, gelas ukur plastik, Kertas Kromatografi, Bahan kimia laboratorium, Laboratorium pertambangan, Laboratorium penelitian, Laboratorium pendidikan, kimia proanalisa, kimia analisis, gelas kimia, Erlenmeyer, Labu erlenmeyer, Botol, Gelas ukur, Petri Kultur, Alu & lumpang, Cawan penguap, krusible, corong, Alat ukur kualitas air,


Specialist in General Laboratory, Scientific Equipment,
Laboratory Chemicals, Laboratory Glasswares
2nd floor / 2, Jl. Revolutionary Hero No. 22B
13430th Jakarta. INDONESIA
Tel: 021-8611212
Fax: 021-8611207
Hp: 085881742844, 0821 2463 5818, 0878 8474 5584
E-mail: sales@ anm.co.id
Website: www.anm.co.id