Jual MCCB, ACB, Box Distribusi, Alat Proteksi dan Control Merk Hager
We are selling a hihest quality of the innovation Hager brand as a specialist providing a full-range of supply solutions for residential and commercial building such as :
1. Enclosore ( switchboard box) standard IP41, IP55 or IP65 for outdoor use
2. MCB and MCCB from 2A untill 1600A
3. ACB ( Air circuit breaker) complete with Control & Protection Relay or Ground fault relay
4.AC3 Contactor and accessories
5. ELCB ( Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) , Earth Leakage Relay and Toroid current transformer.
6. Motor Protection, Fuse Carrier, Cylinder Fuse , Timer etc.
For Inquiry email to :
erminhery@ sinarsakti.com
Please contact us at :
Toko Sinar Sakti Cikarang
Open : Mon - Sun At 08.00 - 21.30
Jl. Raya Cikarang Cibarusah No. 19A Pegaulan ( 100m dari POM Bensin perempatan Kawasan Industri EJIP – Perumahan Lippo Cikarang) Cikarang - Bekasi
Tel/ Fax 021- 8971618, Tel. 021-90377809, 021- 70352001, 08161338045, 081905251000
Warehouse & Workshop :
Jl. Raya Cibarusah No. 1 Serang Cikarang Bekasi
Representatives :
Toko Sinar Sakti
Jl. Raya Ampera No. 9 Jakarta Selatan
Toko Eng Electric
Jl. Boulevard Blok H4 No. 9 Kelapa Gading Jakarta
Update on 16 Sep 2011