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CV. Batavia Online Store
Contact Information

Mr. Hendri Irawan [Director/CEO/General Manager]


Instant Messaging:

Y!: cv_bataviaonline 
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Phone number of Mr. Hendri Irawan at Tangerang

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Mobile number of Mr. Hendri Irawan at Tangerang

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Fax number of Mr. Hendri Irawan at Tangerang


Jl. Muhasyim No. 25 Larangan Indah
Tangerang 15154, Banten

CV. Batavia Online Store menyediakan berbagai macam Alat Survey, GPS, Alat Geology, Adventure, Telekomunikasi Radio, Telekomunikasi Satellite, dll.
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Blue Chart CD ROOM PASIFIK / Peta Laut Versi 9.5, Hub Hendri Irawan, 085695923656
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Payment MethodTelegraphic Transfer (T/T), Cashier Order
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MapSource BlueChart serves up the best offshore cartography around and works in seamless integration with a wide range of Garmin products. See the product compatibility table ( right) for a list of products that Garmin recommends with this software.

Available in 4 versions:

* Americas
* Atlantic
* Atlantic Small
* Pacific

CDs vs. pre-programmed data cards: These CDs provide the same detailed, object-oriented cartography as our pre-programmed BlueChart data cards, including specific region breakdowns. For further details, see our BlueChart pages.

Features include:

* Updated map data for Americas, Atlantic, Atlantic Small and Pacific versions
* Chart-specific information, including chart name and number, scale, revision date, latest Notice to Mariners date
* Object-oriented cartography
* Faithful representation of published official paper charts
* Shaded depth contours
* Intertidal zones
* Spot soundings
* Navaids with view range and coverage
* Port plans
* Tides, wrecks, restricted areas and anchorages
* Trip and waypoint management functions* *

Hub :
Hendri Irawan
HP. 0856 959 23 656

Email / YM : cv_bataviaonline@ yahoo.co.id

Pin BB : 23184E12

WEB : www.bataviaonlinestore.com

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